Ozonics/Nose Jammer Combo

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    If you read my recap from last weekend, you read that my daughter and I went to the stand a bit old school. Meaning we ignored all the normal scent control stuff I usually try to adhere to. The combination of the Ozonics and Nose Jammer is proving to be a deadly combo. No, it’s not perfect as I’ve still have had deer bust me. However, I’ve had far to many deer circle down wind of me to think it’s pure coincidence. And it’s not just young deer. Last fall I shot a mature buck in SD. I shot a mature doe in Mn. This year I’ve shot a mature doe in SD and had a 3.5 year old buck come right through my scent cone.

    I am hunting from a box blind in SD which is when I think the combo shines brightest but it’s worked from a tree also. Last Friday, I got in the blind and turned on the Ozonics around 7:15AM. I left about 9:15 thinking I had turned off device. Nope. When I got to the blind Friday night with Jocelyn, it was STILL running at 4:15ish. I couldn’t believe it. This fall I purchased the XL battery for the device. I’m happy to say it will likely last me all day during those long rut sits.

    My one and only knock on the Ozonics device is the standard factory battery. It lasted about 1.5 – 2 hours last year depending on the mode. This year it’s down to 30-45 minutes. I’m going to be starting a support case this week to see what I should be expecting. I’ll report back on the customer service experience I have.



    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    That’s interesting. I’ve had good luck with the nosejammer product, but haven’t used it in conjunction with my ozonics. Have you tried just using the ozonics and not using the nose jammer? In other words, do you think the nose-jammer is giving you that “extra” level of scent scrambling?


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I was using the Nose Jammer prior to the Ozonics purchase. It worked very well for me at times also. Heck it fooled two coyotes up north one weekend. Of course I was in full scent control mode then too.

    I don’t recall a time when I used the Ozonics alone.

    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    I just talked to a guy the other day that uses Nose Jammer and he talked about a few recent encounters with fox getting within 5-10 yards of his stand – he feels that product is very effective. He feels that he has been busted far less when using it than when he is not using it. I have no experience with the Ozonics but will be trying to Nose Jammer products soon.


    Jeff Iverson
    Posts: 56

    I have been a huge Nose Jammer guy since it came out. I know it’s effective and have totally gone away from carbon clothes and scent killing sprays (except on decoys).

    That said, I don’t know a guy that uses Ozonic’s that has said he questions it’s effectiveness. They really like it. I have heard that on really windy days the ozone gets blown off and can affect it, this was the only negative I have ever personally heard.

    I would say both together would be a 1,2 punch if you want to carry both.

    As for me I still prefer caring a 16 oz can.


    Another vote of confidence here for Nose Jammer. I’ve been using this product for the past 2 years and my results have been very positive.

    With the limited time I have these days to bowhunt and not be able to pick my days afield based on certain wind/weather conditions, it gives me the confidence to hunt a stand where the wind might not be perfect, provided I followed a strict scent control regime beforehand.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 215

    Hmmm, I have only used nose jammer a couple times and only two maybe where i had deer get down wind of me. Once they didn’t seem to notice anything but another time they definately smelled it responded negatively. It is enough that I have not used it since. I don’t use carbon clothes, i try to wash my clothing frequently and spray down (not sure that does anything) and i definately get busted on regularely, but I also regularely have deer get down wind of me and do not bust me…it is one of those things where i felt the nose jammer did not change my odds.

    The one thing i did do last year that i believe helped a lot was i purchased some mouth spray to kill my mouth scent. Every couple hours i give a couple sprays and it seems to have made a difference.

    Jeff Iverson
    Posts: 56

    For guys just dabbling in Nose Jammer. I can say my first year using it I had some does blowing as a result the the Jammer.

    Talking to the guys at Nose Jammer they explained that the first time a doe gets jammed, especially if they come into contact with it by walking in and hitting your wind suddenly, they can start blowing at that point they are trying to get their sense of smell back by cleaning there nasal passages back out. ex. I had 20 cow elk walk down wind of me last year in New Mexico and every cow in line snorted as they hit my wind but none spooked.

    I also doubted it effectiveness at first, then I realized that if they were jammed more often it wouldn’t be such a shock. I now spray my camera sites and this has made all the difference with the does (they were the only ones I have ever had blow) bucks haven’t seemed to be as nervous, especially during the rut period. After I started that strategy, I killed a 170 gross in KS in Nov 2011, 230 gross in MN and 165 gross in WI on public land 2012.

    I literally killed my 3 biggest bucks within a 365 day period and missed a 150 in KS in 2012 (got lots of sympathy from my buddies over that one)

    I know I’ve had extreme success with the product. My opinion for what it’s worth, is I think the key is going all in. I don’t think it hurts to use other products in addition. I just haven’t found it necessary to this point.

    PS. I know it sounds like I work for Jammer …. I am Just a believer and like too see others enjoy the benefit of this product!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Interesting observations from you guys. I’ve not experienced any negative affects. One of the first times I used it, I had two coyotes come in downwind of me. I was able to arrow one of them. Since that day, I figure if it can fool a yote, it can fool anything.

    I’ve never been as anal as some others when it comes to scent control, I’ve always been a believer in wind in the face. Also, I’m a sweat hog. Doesn’t matter how little I wear or how slow I walk to the stand. I get lathered up. I spray down when I get to the stand etc…

    The key for me, these products give me confidence.

    Jeff Iverson
    Posts: 56


    I have to agree. The product gives me confidence too. More than once since I’ve started using Jammer I have had the wind switch on me or swirl. In the past I would have jumped stands. Now I sit them out and have been able to reap the rewards of not moving many times.

    Confidence is key! Whatever it takes to get it. IT Will help you stay on stand.

    Ben Brettingen
    Posts: 605

    I’ve been an off and on user. It’s hard because some days, the wind is wrong blowing right into their face and never spook. Other days it seems like they can smell you from upwind. I know a lot of people that use it with great success, however I still find myself skeptical after trying to put all that work into being scent free.

    Jeff Iverson
    Posts: 56

    I can relate. It took me a while to give up my carbon clothes, scent free soaps and sprays “to smell like vanilla…really”, but I have had a much higher rate of buck encounters that went my way, since I started using it.

    Now, I won’t say that you won’t have a “Nervous Nelly” that blows at anything out of the norm. I just had an encounter tonight with her because she didn’t like my decoy. She emptied the field, No way she smelled me…. she’s nuts.

    I’d like to whack her just to keep her from teaching her fawns the benefits of being psycho!

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 215

    I thought the whole point of Ozonics was mask/eliminate human scent, isn’t nose jammer the opposite intention? They seem like two conflicting scent control methods but i’m not really sure how ozonics works. Since i got DVR i just fwd through the commercials )

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