Oxygen Tank – Minnows

  • Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    I’m looking for a small oxygen tank to fill bags of minnows. Does anyone know where I can buy something like this?

    I called a couple places that do welding and they want me to lease a small tank for $180 ???

    Looks like you can buy the ones the elderly use at home for about $80 online. I have no idea what the difference is between the two, if anything.

    Rush City MN
    Posts: 842

    Maybe call a bait shop that uses them and ask where they got theirs? I use home oxygen not for minnows but for me. Those tanks need two machines to refill them and that could raise you costs quite a bit.It cost $350 a month to lease the machines and tanks. Thank God for insurance.

    David Blais
    Posts: 766

    There’s a good chance the welding supply has those same tanks. Stop into one, we have air gas, you can usually purchase the small tanks fairly cheap.

    David Blais
    Posts: 766

    On another note, what about the oxygen tanks they sell at like home depot in the plumbing section for those tiny oxy acetylene torches. Red cylinder

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17377

    Try Central McGowen in St. Cloud 320-252-5292

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    thanks guys.

    I called Central McGowen earlier today. They have a small 18″ tall tank (40 cu/ft) for $135 plus $20 to fill it. Not cheap but at least I’ll own it.

    Now I have to decide if I need a regulator/gauge or if I can simply just open and close the top valve? I’ll let you know what I come up with.

    Posts: 3913

    you will need a regulator,oxygen is stored at between two thousand and twenty four hundred pounds per square inch.

    Posts: 5139

    Get a helium balloon valve. It has the rubber tipped valve and will make the 1000 or so psi that’s in the tank come out nice and slow. If you don’t put a regulator on you will have blown up bags with minnows splattered everywhere and probably including the ceiling.

    You could also get a welding regulator and add a hose to the end so you don’t need to lift the bag at an awkward angle.

    I’ve seen it done both ways in bait shops.

    But honestly, how many minnow bags are you gonna fill? Are you selling them? I don’t see the justification of purchasing this setup if just for personal use.

    Also remember pure oxygen is highly dangerous when used around open flames. It will not combust but will “add fuel to the fire” so to speak.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17377

    I might have a helium regulator laying around if you want to go that route.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I might have a helium regulator laying around if you want to go that route.

    I’m not going to touch that one.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I might have a helium regulator laying around if you want to go that route.

    I’m not going to touch that one.

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    But honestly, how many minnow bags are you gonna fill? Are you selling them? I don’t see the justification of purchasing this setup if just for personal use.

    I buy minnows in bulk and have a big tank in my basement. I run filtered well water through there and they live well. I’ll purchase 3-4 gallons at a time and bag up a 1/2 gallon to a gallon at a time. This way I can travel an hour if need be with no worries. Bubblers just don’t work very well when you have a lot of oxygen hungry minnows.

    The best part about bagging minnows instead of using a bubbler is you don’t need much water and the water is all contained.

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    Thanks for all the info guys. I will definitely be getting a regulator.

    I might have a helium regulator laying around if you want to go that route.

    Dutchboy, I might be interested. Thanks for the offer. I’ll PM you if Central McGowen doesn’t have a regulator I can just buy. Thanks!

    Posts: 29

    There are many different types of bait oxygen systems. Google “types of bait oxygen systems” plenty of good info there.

    Are you knowledgeable and familiar with oxygen gas fire safety and high pressure oxygen equipment safety?

    Google: “bait oxygen equipment fire safety.” Oxygen is not air, there are real safety issues using oxygen.

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    Thanks for the safety info. There is good info in the article, but all anyone really needs to know is that oxygen is not flammable. It is only an accelerant. Keep oxygen away from things that are burning.

    I think my bag full of water, minnows and oxygen is quite safe. grin

    I picked up a 40 cubic foot oxygen tank with a regulator and all is good. My minnows have never been happier. I have had minnows in a bag for days. As much bait as I go through this was one of the best investments I’ve made. Thanks to everyone for all of the advice. waytogo

    Posts: 5139

    I think my bag full of water, minnows and oxygen is quite safe. grin

    Not if you’re on a HOT bite!!

    Posts: 245

    You could look into a scuba tank?

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6003

    Air is safe, oxygen lets just say is not as stable-Ever watch Breaking Bad?

    Posts: 29

    I watched Breaking Bad series on Netflix a while back, all of it.

    Jesse, the dope head kid is a real mess. Clearly Walt has a special interest in Jesse.

    My favorite is Saul Goodman the lawyer, “Call Saul” has a jingle to it. Saul is a real opportunist, like an ambulance chaser on TV advertisements, but Saul specializes in the underworld culture. He is always so optimistic.

    Tuco, the psychopathic Mexican, he’s special too.

    And, “The 2 Cousins” from South America run a close 2nd after Tuco in the anti-social, psychopathic cast of characters albeit they are mutes.

    Walt, he’s cool, he knows his chemistry and deals with pressure well.

    Hank just loves is DEA job and his gun, he’s a pro.

    Hank accepts his fate kneeling in the desert like a real man, no crying, no whining, no pleading and no begging for mercy, he knows the routine… 1 head shot, 1 kill.

    I liked the “House of Cards” too. It was low energy fiction compared to the real time political drama unfolding daily 24/7 on the TV news for the last year, and will get even more exciting in the next few months before the elections November 2016. The run for the White House 2016… but this political drama is not fiction, it’s really exciting hour by hour, day by day and the winner shall absolutely rule “we the people” and the world beginning January 22, 2017.

    Brainerd Lakes Area
    Posts: 24


    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    I watched Breaking Bad series on Netflix a while back, all of it.

    Jesse, the dope head kid is a real mess. Clearly Walt has a special interest in Jesse.

    My favorite is Saul Goodman the lawyer, “Call Saul” has a jingle to it. Saul is a real opportunist, like an ambulance chaser on TV advertisements, but Saul specializes in the underworld culture. He is always so optimistic.

    Tuco, the psychopathic Mexican, he’s special too.

    And, “The 2 Cousins” from South America run a close 2nd after Tuco in the anti-social, psychopathic cast of characters albeit they are mutes.

    Walt, he’s cool, he knows his chemistry and deals with pressure well.

    Hank just loves is DEA job and his gun, he’s a pro.

    Hank accepts his fate kneeling in the desert like a real man, no crying, no whining, no pleading and no begging for mercy, he knows the routine… 1 head shot, 1 kill.

    I liked the “House of Cards” too. It was low energy fiction compared to the real time political drama unfolding daily 24/7 on the TV news for the last year, and will get even more exciting in the next few months before the elections November 2016. The run for the White House 2016… but this political drama is not fiction, it’s really exciting hour by hour, day by day and the winner shall absolutely rule “we the people” and the world beginning January 22, 2017.

    Is this considered “hijacking a thread” coffee

    north fowl
    Posts: 605

    This is for transporting bulk minnows, correct?
    Adding Oxygen helps but for me its about the water temp and the container. Container should have no corners or flat sides and darkness helps keeping shiners from spooking. Water less than 55 degrees holds more oxygen and slows the minnows metabolism so the minnow dose not create waste that creates a toxic level of ammonia. Though there is the extra step of aclimating the cold water minnows to the bait tank.

    Posts: 29

    This is for transporting bulk minnows, correct?
    Adding Oxygen helps but for me its about the water temp and the container. Container should have no corners or flat sides and darkness helps keeping shiners from spooking. Water less than 55 degrees holds more oxygen and slows the minnows metabolism so the minnow dose not create waste that creates a toxic level of ammonia. Though there is the extra step of aclimating the cold water minnows to the bait tank.

    Yes, transporting live minnows or any kind of live fish. Water quality, minimal safe dissolved oxygen – Not being argumentative or obnoxious by any means, but you might want to rethink the vital importance of insuring a constant supply of oxygen for live fish transport. I searched Google and found this for you.

    Transportation of Warmwater Fish Equipment and Guidelines
    Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, SRAC Publication # 390

    Water quality is an important factor to manage while fish are crowded and stressed in hauling.

    The major parameters that limit the loading density of fish are adequate oxygen levels and buildup
    of toxic waste products such as ammonia and carbon dioxide.

    [Less major parameters, but important parameters are] Temperature, pH, loading density and trip duration affect the severity of these problems.

    [PDF]Transportation of Warmwater Fish: Equipment and Guidelines
    1. Cached
    by GL Jensen – ‎1990 – ‎Cited by 4 – ‎Related articles
    Poor water quality, overcrowding and improper tempering cause serious fish los- ses. The ultimate goal is to pro- vide healthy fish that survive after stocking.

    You might look at the importance of oxygen like this… How many minutes can you survive without a continuous supply of oxygen.

    The vital importance of oxygen is clear whether you’re a man, a catfish, shad or minnow. The shape and color of the live transport box is less important than water quality inside the box.

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