Oxygen for live bait this summer – Bait dealers always use pure 100% oxygen

  • AllanM
    Posts: 29

    Shiner bait dealers always bag shiners with pure oxygen for a good reason. So they won’t suffocate. They sure get sickly quick when you open the plastic bag an put them into the bait tank in the summer.

    Been looking at bait o2 rigs for shiners this summer, needed to make a change and my local shiner guy suggested, “try using welding O2 this summer like he does at the shop.”

    Summer is here and shimmers are dying in the bait tank again. Most guys never have any problems keeping bait alive, especially my local shiner dealer… he has a big green O2 bottle and uses welding oxygen at the shop.

    Have you ever looked into using O2 like the shiner dealers? They don’t talk about it much and they all bag shiners in plastic bags, enough water to cover the bait and the rest of the bag filled with pure welding oxygen.

    Eureka… O2 rigs for fishermen keep bait alive in any bait bucket all day, all night, several days in the heat of summer.

    Need help and info deciding which type O2 is best for you, check this out:


    Their cheapest pure O2 system is the OE-D oxygen system $129 and change http://oxyedge-chum.com/compare-oxygen-systems/

    This site is packed with fishery biology information about bait keeping, water quality.

    It’s worth bookmarking for reference.

    Posts: 5129

    Just throwing this out there. But the best, longest lasting, and most lively bait I’ve ever purchased came from a small gas station out by Lake Waconia(I believe…haven’t been able to find that station since….). They had blue water and those minnows lasted over a week without slowing down, and without any added oxygen. I finally had to just dump them because I wasn’t going to be able to fish for a couple weeks.

    Maybe figure out the additive they used in there? Also adding ice, being careful not to shock them, would certainly help, for shiners especially.

    Posts: 7348

    FBRM what kind of timer you got hooked up to that thing?

    West Metro
    Posts: 611

    Just throwing this out there. But the best, longest lasting, and most lively bait I’ve ever purchased came from a small gas station out by Lake Waconia(I believe…haven’t been able to find that station since….). They had blue water and those minnows lasted over a week without slowing down, and without any added oxygen. I finally had to just dump them because I wasn’t going to be able to fish for a couple weeks.

    Maybe figure out the additive they used in there? Also adding ice, being careful not to shock them, would certainly help, for shiners especially.

    This is the BP gas station right on hwy5. I believe they use U2 in the bait water.

    Posts: 6687


    Rarely do I run more frequent then 5 minute intervals.
    Real real easy on battery

    Btw, those timers do not like to have their wires crossed ( I’m on #3 in 3 years due to my redneck wiring on #1&2. Round #3 should be idiot proof )

    1. CameraZOOM-20160527164437366.jpg

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    Colony plaza in waconia uses g juice, they sell it in the store, I use it year round now.

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