Outboard timing belt

  • isu22andy
    Posts: 2004

    Yamaha recommends 1000 hours or 10 years to change your timing belt on a 150 4 stroke . Past the ten years myself but below 1000 hours . Who all changes theirs ? Belt looks like new and sat in a garage its whole life . I’d replace it but I’m not sure I entirely trust someone I don’t know messing with it! One of them , don’t mess with it from the factory deals . What’s the IDO recommendation ?

    Posts: 289

    I did mine for the first time this spring, it was more than 10 yrs old. Rubber was starting to feel soft and was leaving spots on the tensioner pulley. I replaced the belt and tensioner. I was not too difficult with an electric impact and a steering wheel puller. I watched a few videos on YouTube. I think I was quoted $450 for the belt at a Yamaha dealer. The belt was $60 or so and the tensioner was $130, online.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3130

    What’s the IDO recommendation ?

    My recommendation is a question.

    What are the consequences of a belt failure? Does a belt failure simply result in needing the belt replaced? Or does a belt failure result in engine damage?

    Obviously, a belt failure is going to leave you without main engine power, do you have a backup? Is it very probable that your backup power will be able to return you to port? Will you have cell phone service? Only you know your operating conditions and the distances you travel.

    NW Iowa
    Posts: 676

    I recommend 1000 hours or 10 years (I would double check to make sure its not 5 a 5 year service interval from the factory). DIY or certified Yamaha mechanic and you will be fine. If you have any tools and mechanical ability it looks to be a very easy job no doubt.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12242

    I wish Sheldon were still around to tell us if these are interference engines such that the valves would hit the top of the piston should the timing belt fail. To me that would define how closely I would adhere to the manufacturers recommendation.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12242

    Okay I just texted the great man himself and for all you Yamaha fans out there this is the word.

    Those larger Yamahas are interference engines. That means if the timing belt breaks the piston will slam into the valves. Major carnage. Not good.

    So yes I’d be changing those timing belts at or before the scheduled time and or hours.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 655

    I just did mine this spring on my 115 Yamaha. Not really that difficult. I believe the tensioner on the 150 is a little more sophisticated and you can mess it up if you dissemble it incorrectly, but I am sure there are some good youtube videos on it. I would do it since like stated above its an interference engine.

    Lou W
    Posts: 206

    Did my 100 2 years ago. Line up the timing marks correctly, swap out the belt and tensioner. The hardest part was the fly wheel and that was easy with a puller and a whack with a hammer

    Posts: 2004

    I called a marina yesterday and they said they have been selling 4 strokes since the 90s and had changed less than ten .

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3130

    I called a marina yesterday and they said they have been selling 4 strokes since the 90s and had changed less than ten .

    The marinas care little whether you change the belt or not. Pay me now or pay me later. Three options (A) pay for a belt replacement (B) possibly pay for motor repairs (C) possibly pay for a replacement motor
    How lucky do you feel?

    Posts: 2806

    I called a marina yesterday and they said they have been selling 4 strokes since the 90s and had changed less than ten .

    Sounds like they want your business, Andy! Only half joking jester

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