Outboard Repair Fast

  • sheffib32
    Posts: 19

    First off, I know I got myself in this predicament so I’ll take my lumps…

    I have a 2011 Mercury 115 4 stroke with an intermittent stumble/miss. I’ve done what diagnostic work I can do at home and haven’t found a smoking gun. I’m also leaving for a trip to SD a week from now. Anybody have any leads on a shop that might have availability today/tomorrow to diagnose this? I’m in Elk River but willing to travel to find someone. I’ve called a half dozen shops and most are a month out.

    Brian Bezanson
    Posts: 118

    Try Terry or Bruce Huberty on the east side of Mille Lacs.
    Terry’s # is 612 390 2474.
    I don’t have a # for Bruce but the brothers share a shop.
    Their place is in Aitkin Co., between 47& the lake & between East Side Marina and Fishers / Castaways/ Malmo. I have had both do work for me.
    You could try Lybacks in Isle too. I’d actually call Lybacks 1st. They are a Merc dealer.
    320 676 3611

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1906

    Try country view marine in north branch?

    Posts: 4384

    IDO answer buy a Suzuki.

    Posts: 6647

    I’ll second Country View.

    Whenever I’m in a time crunch, I offer to pay above the shop rate to cut in line waytogo

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6754

    Whenever I’m in a time crunch, I offer to pay above the shop rate to cut in line

    This. You are asking them to drop what there doing and help, which is fine just realize it and be willing to pay more for it.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22200

    Coutryview is my go to. But the odds of getting in that fast is probably slim.

    Posts: 584

    oof. Hope you find something, like you are finding most reputable shops are a ways out.

    Dinngmann Marine – Annandale
    Pro Tech
    Formula Propeller
    Fosters Marine – Delano
    Waconia Marine
    Surfside Marie New Germany – mostly wake boats
    Lake Minnetonka Complete Marine Services
    Wide Open Marine – Arlington (I know he is a week or two out though)

    Just throwing out random ones

    South metro
    Posts: 548

    Depending where in SD, see if you can schedule something out there right when you get there?

    Posts: 6647

    Coutryview is my go to. But the odds of getting in that fast is probably slim.

    With enough hundred dollar bills Dustin will fit him in tomorrow mrgreen

    (He’s helped me out in a pinch before $$$ ) )

    Posts: 2030

    Curious on what you have all done ?

    Posts: 19

    Thanks for all the suggestions.

    I called 9 shops this morning. Got tired of the rejection and resigned myself to trying to fix it myself or trying to get an appointment next week in SD.

    I put it on the hose in the driveway and couldn’t make it misfire. So, I took it to the lake where it misfired terribly. At my wits end I made one more call to J&J Marine in South Haven who told me to bring it by and they could look at it Wednesday. It’s in their hands now.

    I’ll follow up when I have a resolution but I appreciate all of the good ideas you all have. Nice to have a community to lean on when needed.

    Posts: 762

    Sorry I don’t have any insight for your issue, but I am very curious as to the cause, so please do post here when you get it resolved.
    Good luck with the motor and the fishing trip.

    Posts: 1122

    One goofy thing to check is the prop bore seal (white plastic thing behind prop). Very common for these to break and will cause some ventilation which can act like a misfire.

    The next common item I’ve read about is the anti siphon valve gets a crack in it.

    Posts: 1894

    Is your stumble/miss at idle or close to it?

    Posts: 19


    J&J Marine came through. VST tank needle/float was bad. I got them the boat Wednesday, had a diagnosis Thursday morning, and the boat was done and lake tested by noon on Friday. Great guys. Great service. Just got done eating at Als Oasis and will be on the water tomorrow.

    Posts: 22

    One goofy thing to check is the prop bore seal (white plastic thing behind prop). Very common for these to break and will cause some ventilation which can act like a misfire.

    Just wanted to say thanks 3rivers! I just started having the same issue with my Merc 115 and when I checked that plastic seal, it was busted. Got a new one for 6.50 and runs great!

    Sheffib, glad you got yours fixed too! Good luck fishing!

    Posts: 1122

    Just wanted to say thanks 3rivers! I just started having the same issue with my Merc 115 and when I checked that plastic seal, it was busted. Got a new one for 6.50 and runs great!

    Yeah it is a common issue and I think they finally may have released a redesigned version which won’t break so often. Mine has been good for a couple of years now, but at first I was burning through them.

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