Outboard Fuel Injectors – Anyone send them out for cleaning?

  • MX1825
    Posts: 3319

    I hope you guys can all count to 10 in the morning without using your toes! whistling

    Posts: 3913

    Good news is, we all are still alive to live another day!!
    Okay, to answer the question of the fantastic results I have seen using Neutra 131, When I first opened the the shop we had a couple of Chrysler mini vans show up where the injectors had been condemned by other shops.
    I doubled the dose and poured the coals to the affected vehicle for five miles and let them sit overnight in the shop.
    The next morning I started them and they idled rough at first then smoothed out after a couple of minutes and ran fine from there on.
    We saved the owners sixteen hundred bucks!!
    Research my posts here, how many fuel tanks, carbs, pumps, etc have you seen me save???
    Go ahead, doubt me, hate me, trust me, ask for a hand out of what I believe in and I will send you a sample free of charge and if you dont see a difference within a few hours, you owe me nothing.
    IF what I say works, pay me, its that simple, that said, lets be honest with each other, if its worn out, beyond repair, blah blah blah, nothing will cure it.

    More than once whether gas or diesel we have brought tractors, combines, vehicles, and outboard motors back to life because a thorough fuel system treatment was used instead of mechanical replacement, IE, pumps, injectors, lines, etc.

    You have just read where I recommend injector testing and cleaning of outboard injectors, why would I do this versus treatment of the fuel?????
    Because of age, hours, and especially sh!t fuel that sets for weeks or months at a time, even the best cleaner out there that works as advertised will treat the fuel system,,,, for a very short while.
    And it will degrade in a short time, sometimes in less than a month and when you are combating extreme temps, poor blending, poor selection of blender additives, etc, the problem compounds itself, then enter the human factor, oh, its only a boat motor, it will tolerate what we throw at it.

    This is where quality additives come into play, they stabilize the fuel, clean the tank and lines, carbs, injectors, pumps, on and on.
    As I type this and I do not care if you doubt me, Schaeffer’s is on top of the fuel problems we face daily, others only put out a product that treats the here and now, Schaeffer’s treats today and many tomorrows.

    I know what I know and if what I posted isnt enough, I will ask you to visit my shop and see what I see, if you are brave enough to show up, you will be asked to test drive something for me, or load an outboard motor on the dyno and record before and after results, heck, bring your own stuff and lets give it a trial run.
    I am so confident in what I say and post here, if you dont agree that I can, and what I recommend doesnt make a difference, you will walk away at no charge and my kudos.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 657

    Boat is a Lund 1700 Fisherman. For all I know the tach on the dash might not work. It really cant get much faster than about 35 mph at WOT. You convinced me to switch to the Schaeffer’s brand fuel stabilizer. I try to always add stabilizer right when I put fuel in the tank. I don’t understand how people think adding stabilizer right at the end of the season is going to do anything. The damage is already done from the untreated fuel that has been sitting in your tank all summer.

    I would love to just drop the boat off down in Iowa, but I don’t think that is in the cards. Fingers crossed cleaning the injectors helps and then picking Sheldon’s brain for anything else I should look into.

    Posts: 3423

    Thanks for the explanation Sheldon. I wasn’t doubting you, just wanted some examples of the product’s success in your hands. Hadn’t seen you mention it before.

    Posts: 124

    That was the first thought that came to me as well, I use non oxy premium and marine stable, never had any issues on my 2003 F115

    Posts: 3319

    Hey Sheldon what is the treatment ratio?
    12oz bottle treats x number of gallons of fuel?

    Posts: 3913

    Neutra 131 is 3 ounces to 5 gallons or a twelve ounce bottle will treat 25 gallons of fuel.
    Neutra marine extreme 5131 twelve ounce bottle will treat 50 gallons of fuel.

    Posts: 3319

    What is the difference between 131 and the Marine 5131?

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    Since there is another question, I’ll add to it… are you selling and shipping the 5131 if that is your suggested route to go?

    Posts: 1291

    Neutra 131 is 3 ounces to 5 gallons or a twelve ounce bottle will treat 25 gallons of fuel.
    Neutra marine extreme 5131 twelve ounce bottle will treat 50 gallons of fuel.

    How would you compare this to Yamaha ring free or Mercury Quickleen?Or BRP 2+4?

    Posts: 3913

    Since there is another question, I’ll add to it… are you selling and shipping the 5131 if that is your suggested route to go?

    Chuck, I would be more than happy to send it to you and others here, but first I would encourage you to find a Schaffer’s dealer near you and support them, and there is also the freight involved to consider.

    Posts: 3913

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>iowaboy1 wrote:</div>
    Neutra 131 is 3 ounces to 5 gallons or a twelve ounce bottle will treat 25 gallons of fuel.
    Neutra marine extreme 5131 twelve ounce bottle will treat 50 gallons of fuel.

    How would you compare this to Yamaha ring free or Mercury Quickleen?Or BRP 2+4?

    Milemark, I have no experience with BRP 2+4 so I cannot offer an opinion it.
    As far as ring free or quickleen, they are good additives but the Schaeffer’s offers better lubricity and fuel stability in my experience.

    Posts: 3319

    Thank you Sheldon!
    Happy Birthday also!

    Posts: 3913

    I am waiting with severe anxiety on this, D sent me his injectors and man where they a mess!!
    Yammie injectors, and I am learning to hate them real quick, why? because they are a pain in the arse to clean and you are lucky if you can save them!!
    After two attempts and two hours of cleaning two of them were out of spec on flow, four percent is acceptable, these two are at eight percent, twice whats allowed.

    I gotta be honest, I think there is more going on with the OP’s motor but he wanted to try this first.
    I suggested all new injectors but at 186 bucks a pop each I sent him a set I salvaged to try out.
    D, I apologize for taking so long and not having the magic bullet but you already know I am willing to meet you and diagnose this motor personally.

    I forgot to take a before/after shot and I have them mixed up, but injector one and three are out of range flowing too much.
    108-110 Ml versus 100 Ml at 42 pounds pressure in one minute.

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    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 657

    All I can say is Sheldon is an amazing person to work with and extremely knowledgeable and generous. We have talk on the phone a handful of times and he has been walking me through different things to check on my motor. Just installed the other set yesterday and am hoping to get the boat out on the water in the near future to see if there is an improvement. Will post my findings once I find out more.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 657

    Finally got the time to install these as well as do some other preventative maintenance like changing the timing belt. Got the boat out yesterday to run it and see if anything improved. I can happily say that I think the problem is resolved. At WOT and trimmed up a bit I was getting a hair over 6000rpm’s and the analog speedometer was reading 45mph. My humminbird graph was reading more like 40mph which I am guessing is more accurate off gps. I have never seen this high of numbers since I have owned the boat! Can not say enough good things about Sheldon and how knowledgeable and generous he is, thank you so much for helping me with this. If anyone is on the fence about sending their injectors out to be cleaned just do it and send them down to Sheldon!

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