Our next generation

  • Full draw
    Posts: 1492

    When our grandson comes over one of the first things he says is Deer. What he wants is to go into my man cave to look at and pet the mounts but won’t go alone.
    Well this week mom and dad loaded him up to go scouting for deer. After seeing dad look at deer through the binoculars he had to have a look. Lol

    He turned 2 in May. So this summer was his first time in the boat. At the house it was hell to get him to keep the life jacket on. When we got to the lake he got upset when I got out of the truck to launch the boat. He thought i was leaving him on shore. After we were able to get him calmed down and into his life jacket. He had a ball driving around the lake steering grandpas boat. Now when he sees a few extra rods I have in the man cave it’s fish fish he wants to go fishing.

    Grandpa has a new hunting and fishing buddy.

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    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22920

    Enjoy him.. spoil him.. and send him home ! Grandpas job summed up ! jester waytogo woot yay

    South Metro
    Posts: 2102


    Posts: 6629

    Absolutely kick ass peace

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6243

    That is some of the best stuff. I have two kids (7 and 11) right now and it’s SO awesome they both want to go fishing with me. Always make it fun, even if you have to head in earlier than you want. Snacks and treats and age appropriate lures are always a big hit. I can imagine being a Grandpa and soaking it up would be a similar and rewarding experience. Enjoy.

    Posts: 2014

    I’m glad to see this isn’t a post bitching about an experience with a gen z . Glad to see some positivity ! waytogo

    Posts: 3319

    WTG Gramps!! Great job!!

    SE MN
    Posts: 1077

    You just brought back some great memories of my grandpa! He wasn’t a hunter, but he always made a point to take me fishing whether it was out in the boat or sitting on the dock at his cabin on the Croix.

    Posts: 2853

    WTG Gramps.Thats to cool.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12918

    thats totally awesome!!!!!!!!!! peace peace

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3210

    Very cool grandpa Mike! woot

    My youngest is 20 months old. Deer was one of his first words also. He would be so excited when I would sit on the couch with the laptop. That kinda only means one thing. Looking at trail cam pics. Watching deer hunting shows on TV is his favorite TV time. I’m hoping this winter to have him feed the deer at grandpa’s by hand. I’m not sure if he’ll be quiet or still enough for the deer but we’ll find out! yay

    Full draw
    Posts: 1492

    Thanks everyone!!

    Big_G said it best. I get to enjoy all the fun in the world with him and spoil him then send him home to mom and dad.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    My son, and my dad teaching him to bobber fish. Son turned 2 in May. Best thing ever

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    SW Metro
    Posts: 12446

    That is awesome Michael!

    And my .02 as a Dad of 2 young boys with 6 grandparents/greatgrandparents, spoil him with useful stuff, not junky trinkets that clutter up the house until they are tossed a month later. And keep the sugar below throw up levels! Please and thank you. rotflol jester rotflol

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    Way to go. applause

    I almost had a tear come to my eye this year when my son said “Dad, I can understand why you like fishing. Can we go tomorrow?” It is tough sometime, but always worth it.

    Posts: 1822

    BigWerm as an active non-parent uncle I respectfully refuse to stop feeding the children sugar until they throw up. If they can operate the band saw, they can have as much sugar as they want. As long as its right before they go home.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12446

    BigWerm as an active non-parent uncle I respectfully refuse to stop feeding the children sugar until they throw up. If they can operate the band saw, they can have as much sugar as they want. As long as its right before they go home.

    That’s fair, Uncle/Aunt rules are totally different. rotflol jester rotflol

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    That’s good stuff. My wife and I decided not to have kids. Last weekend my 32yo niece brought her husband, 7yo daughter, and 5yo son from the Chicago burbs up to our camper in northern WI. The boy and his dad had a blast catching bluegills while his mom, my wife and his sister swam at the beach. The girls had caught some frogs, so the boy was all over catching frogs and swimming next time we took the boat. His dad and I went fishing. They’re my nieces kids so I’m officially a Great Uncle, even though I’ve always been a great uncle.

    The funniest part of the weekend is when I overheard my great nephew telling his mom to make sure there’s no sand in his p^nis hole. The 2nd funniest was when my wife asked him what his favorite part of the weekend was. He thought for a few seconds and said s’mores. I think he must have dreamt about them because he passed out on his dad’s lap next to the campfire before the s’mores were made.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1077

    BigWerm as an active non-parent uncle I respectfully refuse to stop feeding the children sugar until they throw up. If they can operate the band saw, they can have as much sugar as they want. As long as its right before they go home.

    In the same boat riverrat. The niece and nephews always come to me for an extra treat after mom and dad say no, ha. It’s great being a uncle!

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