Our Friend Billy

  • Pailofperch
    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3246

    2 years and 3 plus months ago, I had the pleasure of meeting a man named Billy. I’d heard a lot about him already, as his wife loved telling the tales of some of their adventures. I’m never the guy that talks too little, and Billy and I hit it off quite well. We continued rambling on and on about trail cameras, deer hunting, and work, And anything else we could come up with while his wife Sharon insisted that it was time to go over and over. Once she threatened to leave him in the parking lot with me and I could bring him home later he gave in, it was time to go.
    A few months later I was really hoping to talk to my new friend Billy whom I not kept in touch with, But I hadn’t gotten his number. So while gathering up the courage to ask his wife for his number, there it was, One of the saddest and most heart-wrenching things I’ve ever read.

    The worst day of my life

    Billy was gone.
    2 years ago today, the world lost a great man. But for two particular families, the Root family, And especially the Manthe family, they lost so much more than just a great man. I’ve learned a lot about him since then. He was a legend in their family. A leader, motivator, schemer, Mr fix everything, heart and soul of nearly everything that was good, the greatest son, son in law, brother, and husband. The city park and rec workers in Inver Grove Heights even know there’s two ways to do things, the wrong way, or Billy’s way. While courageously battling cancer twice and dealing with other surgeries and hardships, Billy always remained upbeat and continued focusing on how to make that day and the next day better for everyone.
    The emotional wound that Billy’s sudden passing left on his widowed wife Sharon could be nothing less than catastrophic. Yet this woman is one of the strongest most upbeat people I’ve ever met in my life. The ways she’s carried through and continued is truly inspiring.
    I’ve learned from Billy. I’ve learned how rewarding it can be, to go out of your way to help others, physically and emotionally. I’ve stepped up my game, to try to fill in some of the spots he’s left. No one can completely replace a man like him, but I’ll do what I can when I can.
    Sharon, my best friend, you and your family are in my prayers every day.

    RIP my friend Billy.

    Pic of Sharon and I is a bench with a memorial plaque for Billy.

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    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11138

    I wish I could have met Billy.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5755

    Thanks Dan.


    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12323

    I met Billy on several occasions and he was a friendly and devoted sportsman. I was shocked by his passing. And saddened terribly for Sharon, who of course meant the world to him. That was plain to see if ever you spent more than a minute with them both.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    It was a kick in the head for me when I read it online. I can’t imagine what others that knew him felt. I had another friend that just got married lose her husband of just a few months at the same time.

    Posts: 5126

    I too wish I could have met Billy. Can’t believe it’s already been 2 years, seems like just a few months ago. That day my heart sank for people I’d only met over a computer.

    You’re in my thoughts today Sharon.

    Posts: 2872

    I’m with EP and the other’s,wish i would have met Billy.
    Thoughts and prayers to you Sharon on this day.
    Nice tribute to Billy Perch.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5591

    Thank you everyone for all of the replies and messages and all of the amazing support and love I am feeling today. A very special thank you to Dan for the beautiful tribute to Billy. 💕 Today will never be an easy day, but with the right mindset of self care and support from my wonderful family and friends, I can hold comfort and peace in my heart tonight. Both Dan and my boyfriend Joe joined me for lunch at one of mine & Billy’s favorite restaurants, then we met my folks and Billy’s mom at Billy’s Bench. The sunshine was a warm welcome despite the chilly temps as we looked at scrapbooks and shared stories of our beloved Billy. It’s almost hard to believe it’s been two years, and I’m reminded of a lovely quote I heard, “A life lived with so much love never really ends, but goes on forever in the hearts of those who remember.” 💜🧡💚💚

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    Posts: 3950

    Great tribute POP, I never had the chance to meet Billy either but from Sharon’s posts, talking to Mr. and Mrs. Root, and reading what everyone has to say I have no doubt he was a great guy.
    Non of us will ever be exactly like Billy but I think we should live in such a way as to be remembered in the way he is.

    Posts: 6712

    Hey always sounded like a good dude. RIP Billy, you left us too soon

    Posts: 2960

    I’m more of a newcomer to this group, before Billy’s time. But I’ve met all of you at the Chili Cookoff and can tell by those closest to him and the company he kept that he must’ve been a great man. Peace to all.

    Posts: 3319

    Thoughts and prayers Sharon. Would of loved to meet Billy.
    Wonderful write up perch.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5591

    Non of us will ever be exactly like Billy but I think we should live in such a way as to be remembered in the way he is.

    Sheldon, I took pause while reading this and have read it again several times. This is absolutely beautiful, and so true. Thank you for this. ♥

    I posted this in Aug 2020 and I like to read it from time to time, as Billy was a very inspiring person to many people. https://www.in-depthoutdoors.com/community/forums/topic/a-man-so-inspiring/. I still aspire to emulate his best qualities.

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