Just a few things to add gas to the fire
Not all crude oil is created equal. Much of the oil from the Middle East I’d very clean and refines easily. Other deposits are dirty and is very difficult to refine. That causes oil to go to different refineries for different purposes. From what I understand the oil deposits in Alaska are very costly to refine. Same goes for deposits across Texas, Colorado,Wyoming and so on. Not all oil recovered goes directly to gas production.
What has cutting/reducing permits done to the economy?? It’s huge. Just looking at a micro part of the impact.
Many oil companies have let go of many contract employees and staff. Reduced field staff. Reduced or eliminated drilling crews. That reduces and eliminates truckers, stone quarries, sand, rail workers, machine shops, various manufacturers for drilling equipment, piping , fittings, valves…….
That equates to thousands of jobs impacted and what they spend in their communities. Everything from groceries, clothes, rental properties, luxury items, and so on are impacted.
Just in my tiny world of family and friends I’m blown away at how many are displaced workers. I have nephews that are out of jobs, friends that own trucking companies have drivers laid off, blower trailers parked and vacant, taking super low dollar OTR loads just to keep business in operation. A friend that owns rental properties contracted to oil companies employees has mass vacancies. This list goes on and on. Just crazy to look at the big picture of drilling and exploration and how it impacts so much
For anyone curious on what a barrel of oil produces, here is a typical breakdown
