Ottertail area 1/19-1/21

  • weedis
    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520

    Made the annual pilgrimage to Otter tail county area to buddies cabin for some fishing. First couple evenings were spent targeting walleyes. Caught 4-5 the first couple evening, super finicky bite as all were caught on rattle reels where they would barely take it down. plain red hook seemed to be the best. Jigging seemed to get them interested for a sec then off they would take off. Spent Saturday chasing panfish and found some crappies for a little late morning/early afternoon action. All pretty nice 10.0-12.5 inches. Went back to same spot for the evening and got in on some action. Ended up catching a descent amount in the same 10-12.5 inch range with a bonus walleye mixed in. Kept some for a few meals. Very light bite, really had to watch the rod tip to detect a bite. Had to slowly pull bait from them to get them to commit. Had a lot of lookers as well. I was using small buckshot and minnow head, buddy was using small jig and full minnow. Not a single crappie came on set line. A few guys that were with speared during the days but it was slow. lakes are sure getting sloppy.

    1. IMG_20170122_200827961.jpg

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12418

    Nice, there are a ton of awesome lakes in that area, that I need to spend some time on. I could really use an extra 10-15 weekends a year! rotflol

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520

    Yea lots of sweet lakes in the area, 10-15 extra weekends would be nice but I will shoot for just a couple extra for now, lol

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