Otter XTH Pro Resort 2018 model

  • kylem86
    Posts: 158

    Looking to buy an otter XTH Pro Resort! Ordered one on Monday for my trip to Mille lacs this week got a call Friday day they weren’t in stock and had to cancel my order. I’m heading to Mille Lacs from clinton Iowa. If you’re somewhat along the way and have one you’d like to sell please let me know. Also, if you know of any stores along the way that have one in stock please let me know. Thanks in advance!!!

    Posts: 158

    I have called most of the well known stores including both reeds locations. Everyone is sold out unfortunately.

    Posts: 14

    Try joes sporting goods.

    Posts: 158

    Joes is actually the place that said they had it then canceled on me.

    Zach Peterson
    Austin, Mn
    Posts: 295

    I’m not sure if they have that model but you could try runnings (507-433-7437) in Austin MN. Last time I was there they had the models they had left on closeout prices and I know there was a couple otters left. They will also put them together for you for a little extra charge

    Posts: 158

    No such luck there either! I think my only hope would be to find someone that has one and wanted to sell it. I’m not thinking that’s going to happen either lol.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 364

    Kyle – I have a new in box Otter XTH Lodge that is last years model. Not the same house but willing to sell. PM me if your interested.

    Posts: 158

    I’ve got one of those already, just wanted the resort for more room. Thanks for the offer though.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 364

    You’re welcome, best of luck finding one. Best bet may be an out of the way smaller store or bait shop, I’ve had random success at places like those before.

    Posts: 158

    That’s my plan, I hear suckers are hard to come by so I’m sure we will be stopping at quite a few bait shops.

    Justin Radel
    Posts: 83

    I habe one I would be willing to part with its 2018 model only used twice i live in fargo

    Tim Watson
    Posts: 101

    Have you tried Marine General?

    Posts: 158

    Fargo is way to far out of my way, thanks though.

    Kris Berg
    Posts: 106

    Try Little Jims Sports Inc. in Annandale. Their # is (320)-274-5297. Did you try going directly through Otter? They are located in Maple Lake which is only abut 45 minutes from the cities.

    Posts: 158

    I called otter directly and they were even sold out. I actually just found one that a guy is willing to sell me on my way up there! Lucked out!

    Posts: 124

    Call Capras in Blaine MN on hwy 65 they sell otter

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I have a 2018 Otter Resort XTH Pro that is brand new that I’d part with. I purchased two at the start of the season and have never put the second hub to use. Email [email protected] if you’re still looking.

    Posts: 158

    Hey James, I sent you a PM on Facebook right away when I started looking I figured you had one. I ended up finding one the day before my trip.

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