I have experience, but not that exact model.
Mine was with a Quick Fish 3, uninsulated.
I doubt my Clam XL4000I would withstand it! Them QF3’s were TOUGH!!
At 40 mph everything should be fine with every wall and corner staked.
At 50 mph everything is going to want to SNAP! Roof will want to collapse. You likely won’t be able to go in/out of the house without it tearing to pieces.
I once spent 5 hours in a hub house in a 50mph storm on Mille Lacs.
Those 5 hours i had to open a window on the windward side to “Inflate” the house. Without the window open to inflate the house, the roof would collapse. The poles were also bent in ways they shouldn’t…I waited each minute of that 5 hours for the house to snap! Inflating the house was the only thing that kept it in one piece.
The house seemed like it was going to explode without a windward side window open. I couldn’t get out of the house the entire 5 hours as it didn’t seem like the house would survive. IT was a COLD 5 hours! I also didn’t plan to not be able to get into my car 5′ away from my house for 5 hours…SO had to ride it out.
That day, they had planned 50 mph winds. I left the lake (1 hr drive off ice) by the time i got off the lake the forecast changed to 40 mph winds. So i fueled up and headed back out. Well, we ended up with 50’s and it was one of them nights i’m glad i survived. I recall hitting the bridge the next morning and meeting a resort owner- he was amazed and i was certainly called “CRazy”.
I’d advise DONT.