Otter sportsmans case – reel handles

  • Joe K
    Posts: 68

    So I own the sportsmans case and always fold my handles down when storing.

    I was looking at the thread below and noticed some comments that the box supports not folding handles down.

    For those that have used the box, am I just being paranoid? The larger reels I have are a couple of shimano fx 2500 spinning reels.

    otter sportsmans rod case

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 540

    I always fold mine down. Haven’t tried without. Takes all of 2 seconds so I don’t see a reason not to if there is any risk at all of breaking something.

    North Metro, MN
    Posts: 74

    I use 500 sized reels and do not need to fold down handles.

    Posts: 5305

    All my reels fit in with no fold but it’s tight. They are all smaller ice reels tho. 25 is pretty big, wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t.

    Bryan Myers
    Posts: 586

    I have a few reels with push buttons to fold the handle, but besides those I don’t fold them but I also don’t run 2500 on any of my ice rods. I have never had a problem with my reels fitting or being damaged. But with big reels you may have to fold the handles.

    Posts: 563

    I have never folded my reel handles in the sportsman’s case. Haven’t noticed any damage. I’ve been tempted to heat the case and mold the plastic for a little extra room

    Posts: 36

    I use 500 size reels dont fold them down and my 13 fishing freefall also fits great..little tip get some black golf club bag tubes electrical tape the ends shut and zip tie them to the foam inside it keeps the rods from tangling plus if u have 36 inch rods it will keep u from shutting the case on the tips that gets spendy when u got a bunch of TUCRs in there

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