Otter monster box on snowmobile

  • Chad
    Southwest Wisconsin
    Posts: 3

    Hey guys, I know I have seen a couple in depth outdoors episodes where they have the otter boxes mounted on there sleds and I was thinking of maybe doing the same. First off did you have to fabricate a mount off the tunnel where the bumper would be? Also are there any cons of having this on a sled?

    Posts: 19572

    mounting options are sled depandant, if there’s frame to bold onto use it, if not you’ll likely need something fabricated. (I would go the fabrication route to ensure you’re spreading the weight out properly…talk to a local machine shop for ideas)

    In terms of cons, I would say the added weight could make handling sluggish depending on the sled type and suspension…

    Ryan Lorenz
    Posts: 17

    I’m working on one right now. I have an Arctic Cat Crossfire 600. It will be bolted to all aluminum. Plan to build a rear platform and run bolted steel angle iron supports along the foot panels/track housing. I’ll also be mounting a digger auger rack to one side and bucket holder (otter) to the other. Positioning will be close to the IDO sleds but not on a touring sled which would be much nicer to work with.

    Kent thompson
    Foreston mn
    Posts: 328

    Contemplating on this as well on my Polaris trail touring but a late start might get pushed back till spring, Ryan please post pics when done if you would thanks

    Ryan Lorenz
    Posts: 17

    I will for sure. Check out the IDO ice videos for ideas. I plan to put a digger auger mount on the side as well. Hope it’s not over loading the aluminum. a tourning will be easier with a better platform to work off of( then mount the digger in the front).

    Ryan Lorenz
    Posts: 17

    Anyone else go this direction. Some inspiration from the IDO set up. In the box- added I-bolts to strap down stuff, mesh cargo net on top, and rear lighting. Still needs interior lighting, battery box and toggle switches to come. It’s ice ready.

    1. IMG_0212.jpg

    2. IMG_0211-1.jpg

    3. IMG_0210.jpg

    4. IMG_0209.jpg

    5. IMG_0208.jpg

    Kevin Krzenski
    Posts: 1

    Ryan, I knows it’s been a few years since you did this. I’m also considering it for my Polaris Touring. How did it work out and what’s your overall feelings towards it. My main concern would be the weight in the back and side that may make it tip over easier.

    Any feedback or recommendations is appreciated.

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