Any Updates on the Fishing on Osakis

  • hop307
    Northern Todd County
    Posts: 611

    Heading up for a week on Saturday, just wondering if anybody had any luck. Have the fish moved deeper, out onto the bars?

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3246

    Osakis today. Not sure how fishing is, but it’s looks great!

    1. IMG_20190723_111627068.jpg

    Posts: 101

    I was out there two weekends ago and could not find any sunfish on Half Mile. There were a few guys fishing the south shore in 6-7 feet of water picking up a crappy here and there.

    Herman Capacino
    Posts: 2

    Had crappie luck trolling Beattle Spin VERY slow in 6 to 10 feet from Midway to public access. Best before 9:00 am and after 7:00 pm. Weeds are different this year and water is clear for this time of year. Lots of little Northerns

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