So I was finally able to order my new 2022 truck on Saturday. Im told 4 to 5 months before I get it, but I hope to get it before the Canada trip. I looked across the street to see the Ford dealer’s lot very full. I said to the salesman: “Ford must not be having nearly as many issues with the component shortage huh?” He says, they have relatively full lots, but most of the vehicles sitting there will not run. Ford has apparently taken the stance to pack the lots, but the vehicles are missing parts and pushing that down to the dealers to eventually take care of. GM is holding them in huge lots waiting for parts to finish and ship.
My dealer said GM is having a major issue with transports so their dealer actually purchased their own transport and is picking up 40 vehicles sitting somewhere in Wisconsin that have been waiting to get delivered for months.
It was crazy seeing the lot and not 1 single new GM vehicle in it.

Posts: 24606
January 18, 2022 at 2:40 pm