Opinions on what is the best fillet knife?

  • Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6101

    You need a combination of 2, Mister Twister Electric (green and yellow will last forever) and a Leech Lake Knife.

    The primary knife in the combo to have is the Electric, Makes life easy.

    Agree for walleye and pike. Electric to take off the sides. Knife to finish.

    Also agree a Rapala knife is pretty decent for the price.


    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 10873

    FWIW – I wouldn’t order a plastic butter knife from Jim at Custom Cutlery.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17121

    FYI – I wouldn’t order a plastic butter knife from Jim at Custom Cutlery.

    Sounds like you have a story to tell. grin

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 10873

    I originally placed an order with Jim on the 4th of June 2017 he said it would be ready on by Labor day. It wasn’t. I sent him an email in October 2017. He said it would be ready by Xmas 2017. It wasn’t. I sent min an email on February 13 2018 stating “I originally placed the order on June 4th 2017. Not a happy customer” and here was his response.
    My response was “drop it in the shredder”.

    Hi Matt,

    If you want to order one of our standard products I can have it to you in a few days.

    Custom work is done only when I have time to spare and we have been short staffed since just before last labor day when I had one of my people quit (with no explanation as to why) with about 1 hour notice before she was supposed to open our retail store.

    I have since had to work a lot of extra time covering work that was not being done do to the shift of the existing staff to cover the store time … including also having to work the retail store myself at times.

    I was just able to hire a person to cover that shortage in labor this week (they started yesterday) and I am now training that person.

    When I make these custom knives I am essentially giving away a knife because the labor I put into them is more than I charge for the finished product.

    I know I told you, when I agreed to do this knife, that it might be a long time to get it.

    I am not just delaying your order for the fun of it … my average work day is from 8AM to about 12 midnight and I work 7 days a week.

    In our spare time my wife and I also care for my 79 year old mother who had a major stroke about 1 1/2 years ago leaving her in a wheel chair unable to care for herself without regular (several times a day) care from us.

    Just so you know, popping an attitude like this is more likely to have me just cancel your order than to motivate me to drop everything and take the many hours needed to make it.

    So do I continue with this order or do I drop it in the shredder?


    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17121

    jester I knew there was a good story in there. Sound financial move on his part not to make knives he loses money on. Now, if everybody helps him to not lose money by not ordering product he will have tons of time available for all those other projects.

    Having him drop the order in the shredder was a good call on your part.

    Thanks for the read. wink

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 10873

    I shook my head as I responded.

    Posts: 3877

    another sad part about EPG’s story is that I recommended that company to him as I have a leech lake knife that I am still happy with to this day.
    I stepped in a couple of times with emails to them trying to resolve the issue as I believed that EPG would be happy with it once he received it and I wanted to show an Iowa owned and based company off.

    I also got a tart response which I did not save nor was it worth reprinting,I understand sh!t happens but there is a point when its just best to move on when you get a note like we did.

    David Blais
    Posts: 766

    I agree with epg. After the two leech lake knives I purchased. I’d rather Filet with a butter knife.

    Also haven’t given reeds any of my business since they sold me two junk knives and made me pay for return shipping.

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 1149

    I have two Dexters that have been good to me in the time I’ve had them.

    Princeton, MN
    Posts: 1297

    My grandpa has a lil joe knife that has a long flexible blade. Served him well for many decades and cleaned a lot of panfish.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12019

    ..what I can say is that EVERYONE should buy a set of sharpening stones and learn how to use them.

    I’ve tried a dozen other ‘sharpening’ methods, including taking my knives to Eversharp in MSP, and nothing has come close to getting them as sharp as my stones. I’m not even really that good at using them, but it’s night and day compared to any other gadget or tool I’ve tried.

    I totally agree, but for some reason the use of water/oil stones has been overcomplicated and built up in people’s minds to where they are scared to even TRY it.

    I do use a quickee ceramic sharpener in the kitchen because I hate, hate, hate dull knives. But when things really need to get sharp, I use the stones.

    And guys, it’s NOT difficult. I basically taught myself on wood planes and chisles and once you get the feel for it, it takes 5 minutes to do a knife to razor perfection.


    Posts: 5285

    Finally took a walleye to the 2019 leech lake knife this am. Sharp. Great flex. Like the handle.

    Worth $100, idk, definitely an upgrade to any filet I’ve ever used. Accidentally cut thru some spine bc it was that sharp.

    Posts: 1148

    My leech lake knife went 4+ years before I sent it in to be sharpened. Honestly could have gone longer. I love the knife. If you use it the way it’s intended to be used it should keep its edge a very long time.

    Posts: 318

    Well this thread has been an interesting read. I own 3 Leech Lake knives and have been to the shop on multiple occasions. I have never experienced anything close to the negative comments posted here. All of my knives are different years. They just keep cleaning fish and sharpened in Marengo, IA. If I had to buy another fillet knife it will be a Leech Lake but I don’t believe I will ever need to.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    Left my best fillet knife at the cleaning station this last week and sooo bummed! I picked up a couple of cheap knives at Wally World and they feel sharp to start with. I believe that the secret is to not let them get too dull before sharpening.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Rapala electric fillet knife. I used to butcher fish before getting one.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    Rapala electric fillet knife. I used to butcher fish before getting one.

    My first few attempts with an electric looked like I used a chainsaw.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Your mileage may vary.

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