Opener report

  • Full draw
    Posts: 1457

    It’s been 21 years since I have fished Otter tail for opener. One more memory to add to all the other great ones from the big pond.
    The ol opener sweet spot was holding fish 21 years later.
    Caught 10 kept 5 fish from 16 to 19”.
    Released 5 from 20 to 23”.
    Fished from 6:30 am till 1 pm.
    It’s hard to beat a jig and a shiner on that lake this time of year.

    AK Guy
    Posts: 1560

    It’s always a good feeling when old spots produce.

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    Agree…I think many were surprised with the late spring a cool water temps, that the walleyes were willing to play! Lots of fish, mostly 15-19”, and several in the low 20” range were quite common at the resort.

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    Full draw
    Posts: 1457

    We fished again the morning from 6:30 till 10 am. Kept 4 fish from 15” to 18”. Released another 5 fish 19 to 22”.

    Yesterdays wind was brutal but todays chop was perfect.

    Posts: 1170

    Great report. Otter Tail is such a robust fishery. Hoping to get out Thursday night and pull some cranks late. It was a spot-tail and plastic bite in Alex. Got the guys on fish last night, now to let the lady have her turn this afternoon.

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    Posts: 1170

    Fished in the rain from 8PM – 11PM, wind from the east when I started and stiff from the west by 10PM. Fish were confused, lots on SI, and then they disappeared with the wind shift. Overall pretty lethargic, still made a few chew with cranks. One of those lakes that can make ya pay if you don’t watch the weather close.

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    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    Reel Country Classic Day 1 Results

    Tourney results. Still a great bite going. 56 out of 63 teams with a 6 fish limit.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1457

    I decided to go to Leech today.
    Will be on O T tomorrow. Hopefully the tourney guys didn’t beat up the saddle.

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    They didn’t, actually wasn’t that many boats in there.

    Posts: 3913

    NICE!!!!! too bad we dont live forever to explore every dang lake known to mankind!!

    Posts: 5305

    Put in a good half day, kept 9, good mix, threw alot of shorts back.

    Spots tails definitely doing it

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    Beads, curious, what size were the shorts you threw back? Nobody seems to be catching any 12-14” fish, which is a bit concerning.

    Posts: 5305

    Cookie cutter 12″s. “Alot” may be exaggerated but there were several, coffee beads is different than whiskey beads.

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    Good to know. 👍

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