Open Sights for 870 Express

  • dhpricco
    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 657

    Wondering what you guys would suggest for adding open sights to the vent rib of an 870 Express. It has ben relegated to a backup shotgun at this point after buying my SX3 a number of years ago. Would like to have the option to use it as a slug gun for deer or even use it in the spring for turkey hunting. I have just the stock 28″ smooth bore vent rib barrel on it. Doing a little looking it looks like Truglo has a kit that you can bolt on, not sure if this is quality or junk. Here is the link to the Truglo sights I was looking at :

    Posts: 4362

    I might have a smooth bore slug barrel with sights on it. I will look tonite when i get home from work.

    Posts: 68

    I’d consider a saddle and a red dot.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3909

    Have you shot slugs from in just using bead.
    Many , including myself, never used nor needed to add iron sights to our bird barrels to shoot slugs well.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 657

    Thanks for the responses guys. I am thinking I will go with the Williams since my father-in-law has them on his slug gun and they have been durable. I have not tried shooting slugs in it without sights so not sure how repeatable it would be, but I guess that could be an option.

    What is the advantage or a red dot vs open sights?

    Posts: 68

    Anecdotally, we’ve used red dots (Burris Fastfire 3, specifically) on the turkey guns my kids shoot and they are significantly more accurate with, vs. without, the red dots on. I think it increases their confidence in their aim point.

    For many, it may make no appreciable difference, but our experience says it CAN increase precision, especially in applications where that matters.

    Gregg Gunter
    Posts: 1059

    David we would use slugs with open sights. Practiced at 50 yds with paper targets. Cover the bullseye with the bead and it’s right on. I actually got a bullseye at 100 yds once. Can’t remember how much drop but they are very consistent. I’ve even used slugs in the open rifle area. Loved the Brenneke rifled slugs.

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