Only in Illinois,,,,

  • Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    Get paid to drive your kids to school. Anybody got some I can borrow?

    Chicago Public Schools To Pay Families To Get Children To School If Buses Aren’t Available Due To Driver Shortage

    If parents are notified of a change in their child’s bus schedule and the change does not work for the family, parents can receive $1,000 upfront and $500 a month to arrange alternative transportation.


    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13101

    Pretty certain the twin cities is offering that also!!!

    gary d
    Posts: 1125

    I hope they use Chicago money from there tax payers. My granddaughter is 8 miles from the school and she is on the bus for 1 hour and 10 min. I think.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9135

    It’s a cost savings to taxpayers…or could be if districts found a way out of bussing. Paying only some to not ride is probably a break even at best. If a district could pay everyone to provide their own transportation, they’d save a big chunk of change.

    For example, the local district here has an annual bussing contract of right around $1.5 million with about 1100 students in the district. There are also add-ons for field trips, extra curriculars, etc. This comes out to a cost of over $1300 per student. If they could hand every family $1000 per child and eliminate bussing for all but a select few students, they’d stand to save the district taxpayers over $360,000 per year.

    Now before you go off about how “dumb” the contracts are or blame districts, keep in-mind most of the bussing companies in rural MN areas are the only option for multiple communities. It’s an industry with minimal competition. A new bus can cost close to 6 figures, so it’s no longer economical for districts to own their own given the costs up front.

    If I had ~$10 million laying around, a fleet of busses and some pole buildings strategically located could make me a hell of a return on my investment. Unfortunately the drivers for these companies are working for next to nothing, while the owners and investors are sticking it to the taxpayers.

    Posts: 1719

    The way I read that. It’s $1000 up front. Then $500 a month. If school year is 9 months. That’s $5500 a year. Not $1300. And they are still running buses for some kids and activities. Or did I read something wrong? 6 million+ for 1100 kids, if they all did it.

    Posts: 6714

    Our kids don’t ride the bus (conflicting schedules)….Where’s my cut? And do they back pay? rotflol

    South Metro
    Posts: 2122

    There is so much more to this than meets the eye….
    Districts HAVE to provide it for certain students, equity raises its ugly head too, districts budgets around field trips and activities amongst MANY other state and federal regs. This is a no end conversation.
    Locally they just spent what has to be 7 figures on new roundabouts, new “road” down to the school etc to make it safer for children and to address the COVID parents bringing kids to school thing. Love haveing a MAJOR county road suddenly -end up as one lane 100 feet from the stoplight – gonna be a cluster”—-” for sure.
    Schools were not designed to accomodate 250 cars before and after school. THis is an issue we will continue to see more of this coming year. Probably spending COVID money on it too.
    34 years in public ed admin so……

    gary d
    Posts: 1125

    My wife drove school bus for 26 years. What they need is more bus drivers and pay them better.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    I guess it’s better than NOT sending the kids to school. IMO, I’ve seen money spent on worse…at least it’s for kids education.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1437

    My wife drove school bus for 26 years. What they need is more bus drivers and pay them better.

    That’s a surprising response I’m sure that argument could be stated for every job in the US. I have never once heard a person say I am way under worked and way over paid.

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