Online MN DNR courses

  • Evan Pheneger
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 838

    I need to take both the online firearm safety class and the online snowmobile class. Unfortunately I miss being born early enough by a few years!

    Anyone who has taken them recently have any idea about how long they take to get through?

    I am not planning on flying through it but the knowing the amount of time it takes to go through it correctly would be much appreciated in planning thanks!

    Reef W
    Posts: 3200

    I don’t know how long they take but, in case you want to hunt this year and don’t have time for the class, you can get an ‘Apprentice Hunter validation’ twice in your lifetime that let’s you hunt without completing a firearms safety course. It costs $3.50 and can be purchased online or in-person when you get your license. There is more information about it at

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    I tell people who ask in my classes that it’s pretty much the same amount of time, about 8 hours for online firearm safety. Snowmobile, I am unsure. I took it when I was 11 and do not teach it.

    Posts: 178

    It took my son in law two evenings after work a couple weeks ago!

    Posts: 7348

    The classes can be saved as well I believe, if you don’t have time to take it all in one shot.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    You have to take a class to legally ride a snowmobile?

    Posts: 159

    I taught classroom firearms safety for over twenty yrs,but have been out of it for several yrs now. The classroom was a 12 hrs course followed by a field day.(go shoot.) I’ve had several that did the online, they were still required to shoot with a certified instructor. If you’re an experienced hunter, you may be able to get an instructor to just give you the written, then go sshoot.I also had two vn vets that needed it to go out of state. I gave them the test, but didn’t make them shoot.
    I’m pretty sure they knew how to do that!

    Evan Pheneger
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 838

    Thanks all,

    Reef, I have wore out my apprentice gun safety this year after I started riffle hunting 2 years ago as a family obligation (off course I loved it).

    Knowing they save is a good thing. I’ll just plan 8 hrs for each.

    Evan Pheneger
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 838

    The classroom was a 12 hrs course followed by a field day.(go shoot.) I’ve had several that did the online, they were still required to shoot with a certified instructor.

    If you are over 18 you don’t need to do the field day (aka shoot).

    And yes, unless you were born before 1976 you need to take a class and get a permit to operate a snowmobile.

    David Blais
    Posts: 766

    The snowmobile one was pretty basic. Its been a while. But I want to say fairly short

    South Central Minnesota
    Posts: 815

    I did the online firearms safety 3 years ago. I can’t really say how long it took because I spread it out over several evenings, working on it an hour or two here and there. I would guess somewhere in the 8-12 hour range total. I don’t recall the specifics on why, but I did not have to go to a field day. All online, very simple, very common sense if you have a little firearms/hunting experience already.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    Finally an advantage to being old. yay

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    And yes, unless you were born before 1976 you need to take a class and get a permit to operate a snowmobile.

    Good to know. Was not aware of that. Was given an older snowmobile from my uncle this year and looking forward to riding it. Guess I need to get me some learning first

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