Onix line likely getting phased out soon, stock being clearanced

  • JoeMX1825
    Posts: 19465

    Cabela’s is unloading them…if it weren’t for the dumb small thread screw on cable connectors (I prefer the quick connect cable system) i’d run Onix lineup…

    10SI Touch unit going for $1,499
    8SI Touch for $999

    Posts: 19

    I was told by a reputable Humminbird guy that they are not being phased out and they are still working on new improvements and features. I think Humminbird let the retailers drop the price just to move some units. I sure hope they keep the onix seeing I just ordered 2 new units.

    Posts: 19465

    This is more of an extreme price drop than the legacy line had before the Helix replaced it…

    Posts: 5139

    This is WAY cheaper than any used unit on eBay.

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    Curious topic, without inside knowledge it fits Bird’s pattern of price drops before retiring.

    I’ve been wondering this year why anyone would buy an Onix 10 for over $3k when you can get the Helix 10 with most of the same features for $1500.

    Now that both the 10 inch screens are $1500, is the Onix still a clear cut choice?

    Avon, MN
    Posts: 639

    Curious topic, without inside knowledge it fits Bird’s pattern of price drops before retiring.

    I’ve been wondering this year why anyone would buy an Onix 10 for over $3k when you can get the Helix 10 with most of the same features for $1500.

    Now that both the 10 inch screens are $1500, is the Onix still a clear cut choice?

    Based on the different SI ducer alone….YES!

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    I’ve been watching this subject for a bit and I’m wondering what is up “Humminbirds sleeves”?

    I thought I was going to pull the trigger this fall or next spring on a couple of Onix units to replace my Core units. I was watching the I-Cast for any indicators, but there wasn’t nothing revealed

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    Deal looks to be gone. Just went to show fellow fisherman and no Onix units on Cabela’s site.

    Edit: If you use do a kewword search for “Onix” the 10si still shows up for $1500. No 8si though. The first time I clicked my way and selected units by Bird. That way is not showing Onix units today

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    On Cabeia’s there is no mention of Onix at all now!
    BPS has nothing too.
    Reeds Sports has some ready to ship for $2599.99

    Northern Todd County
    Posts: 611

    DANG IT, I would have bought one.
    A little search and the next cheapest is $2,499.

    Posts: 19465

    They will be for sale at those prices again, Cabela’s has brought back the Legacy Unit 899/999/1199 sale how many times now?

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    Can Onix and Helix network? I’m wondering if these deals show up again, I buy an Onix 8 with SI. Then down the road I buy say a Helix 7 for the bow. Can I network them?

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    Can Onix and Helix network? I’m wondering if these deals show up again, I buy an Onix 8 with SI. Then down the road I buy say a Helix 7 for the bow. Can I network them?

    An onix will network with a helix. With that said the helix 7 is not network capable. You have to go to the helix 9 or above to network.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Onix is done, Their replacement has yet to be announced.

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    and sold out again. I saw them on Friday as “backorderable” when I posted on Friday.

    If they are done, what a short run. Making me think twice about grabbing one on the close outs. If they only had them a short time, at those prices probably didn’t sell many units, then what does it mean for software updates to fix issues?? Can’t imagine a company wanting to keep putting money into a dead line with little following.

    Posts: 11

    Most likely the Onix 2 is coming out this winter. This is the future line of Humminbird so, I highly doubt they are going backward to old technology (Legacy/Helix). I run both Onix and Helix and they are not really comparable units as they were designed to be very different. As a previous poster mentioned, just the SI/DI transducer makes it worth the upgrade.

    Onix is a significant step up from the Helix series especially if you use DI and SI a lot. Can’t wait for the next Onix unit to come out. I also believe they will bring the costs down as well…as this was one of the main reasons for poor sales. Another reason for poor sales was the fact that they launched it before the bugs were worked out and it got off to a very rough start because of this. After the 2.0 update the unit got to the way it should have been from the start. I am sure they learned a valuable lesson from that experience.

    I am not sure if they will call it the Onix 2 or something different but, it is the future of Humminbird it sure looks like.

    St Louis Park, MN
    Posts: 90

    Was lucky enough to get one of the 8CI SI deals the other day. Has anyone here used the smartstrike feature? I look forward to playing around with that.

    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1523

    remember the Lowrance HDS Gen 1 units? it was essentially a public beta-test that was cleaned up in the very quick release of the Gen 2 units. sounds like Humminbird is pretty much in the same boat (pun intended) with Onix gen 1…

    Posts: 756

    Helix Gen 2 is coming.

    Posts: 19465

    I would stay clear of Onix gen 1 units, just my personal opinion…. with the number of software issues they’ve had, I’m guessing they can’t wait to ditch that platform for good…Helix touchscreen is likely the next update they push out…compete with the Lowrance TI units..

    Posts: 756

    Maybe, but the no touch units sold well. Like me, many don’t want anybody touching the screen. Too hard to keep clean as is.

    Posts: 19465

    oh i’m 100% agreeing with you, but alot of folks like touch screen and as more & more millenials hit the age to start buying boats/marine electronics they will need to cator to that large tech savy audience (god I fear the day Facebook interface is built into a fishfinder) … to each their own…

    I think the Onix platform taught Humminbird that $2k (Helix 12) is the ceiling for a majority of fisherman budget’s, they’ll keep the top-of-the line model around that figure and add features to entice buyers to spend their limits. I also think they want to focus on one software platform after the pain they’ve felt the last few years with legacy OS vs Onix OS issues…They don’t have enough skilled programmers to properly maintain two platforms…

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    I bit the other week and got one of the deals on a 8si. I put some notes in the other thread about cxi designation aka international model.

    Cliff notes on what I’ve seen. Cabela’s has some type of agreement to sell the International aka cxi units at much lower costs. The box inside the Cabela’s box was direct from Bird in Georgia. Looked all over and the domestic units never priced even close.

    Bird says the only difference is the ability to choose languages. got it home last night and powered it up. This claim seems to be true. No issues switching from metric to standard, autochart live is a menu function. Played with it for over an hour and didn’t see any roadblocks other than my learning curve. Did not attempt a software update yet.

    As for touchscreen, I’m no millennial but did get a positive first impression. Time will tell when used in a boat.

    @joemx1825 You may well be right about avoiding these for software problems. After the 2.0 update and Onix vs Helix I decided it was worth the gamble to give it a shot. Unfortunately I won’t be able to give a report until open water next year.

    Posts: 7348

    @joemx1825 You may well be right about avoiding these for software problems. After the 2.0 update and Onix vs Helix I decided it was worth the gamble to give it a shot. Unfortunately I won’t be able to give a report until open water next year.


    Posts: 19465

    if they made Onix with a quick disconnect feature like Legacy and Helix lines, I would have purchased a No Touch 8 SI a year ago…I just see Humminbird cutting bait and running away from separate OS platforms… I’m now happy with a Helix 10si, hopefully it stays issue free…

    ski junkie
    Grantsburg, Wisc
    Posts: 305

    My Onix 10 si is hands down better than my Helix 10 si.

    The clarity is amazing on the Onix

    Posts: 19465

    My Onix 10 si is hands down better than my Helix 10 si.

    The clarity is amazing on the Onix

    for 3x the price I sure hope so…no denying Onix DI is better as its ducer has a separate DI crystals, the rest will look a little better as the resolution is better…

    St Louis Park, MN
    Posts: 90

    I hooked up my Onix 8 SI and so far things are pretty good. One thing I do get is a low voltage alarm when I turn the unit on. it usually says 10.3-10.5 volts. The unit is hooked up to my cranking battery which is a 12 volt group 24 and only putting out 400CCA and 500MCA. I run a honda 4 stroke 40 horse. When I start the engine the unit shuts off. Would running two group 24 12 volts in parallel solve this issue, or would buying a 12volt in the group 31 category be better, or is there a solution I probably don’t even know about, I certainly am no electrician.

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