One tip

  • Youbetcha
    Wright County
    Posts: 3120

    Whats one tip that changed the way you fished or became more successful on the ice? For me it was spending way too much time targeting steep breaks like you would for muskies. Switched it up to more gradual and almost flat like areas and my success went way up. Also fishing shallower/in weeds or near weeds.

    Posts: 6687

    That’d be… stay in the boat on the Mississippi. Could never match that success on ice. Just don’t think it’s really possible given the ability to locate fish fast and throughly.

    On the ice however, would be too start aggressive and then move to more subtle presentation if absolutely necessary. Never start with a neutral or negative presentation. You’ll only think you need to go MORE negative.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11075

    The lake I primarily fish is not typical so I have nothing for you.
    What I can say is get a good auger and punch holes until you find them.
    Gotta be mobile, good lectronics help.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    Ice Castle. I now enjoy fishing in my sweat pants and slippers. It certainly hasn’t made me a better fisherman even could say it went the other way. I still get out early ice and chase fish with portables, but once I can get the house out I love it.

    Posts: 2014

    That’d be… stay in the boat on the Mississippi. Could never match that success on ice. Just don’t think it’s really possible given the ability to locate fish fast and throughly.

    On the ice however, would be too start aggressive and then move to more subtle presentation if absolutely necessary. Never start with a neutral or negative presentation. You’ll only think you need to go MORE negative.

    toast Some of the best advice Ive gotten right here. Sparkly boats need not apply though. Stick to the ice castles.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    Best advice I have is ‘You can’t catch fish if your not fishing.’ Applies to hard and soft water.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1424

    Mobility, travel light and fast.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    Use tip ups…..Much less work and much more enjoyable. rotflol

    Honestly each of the last few years when winter comes, I’m less and less motivated to put in the work to get on nice fish and I start dreaming of being in the boat again.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12446

    Being mobile and dressing for the weather so you don’t need to setup and take down a portable.

    Honestly each of the last few years when winter comes, I’m less and less motivated to put in the work to get on nice fish and I start dreaming of being in the boat again.

    Same here, I’m hoping that is just due to what a PITA all the snow has been the last couple years.

    Posts: 873

    Don’t display your caught fish in any way.
    Stay upwind of the future clouds of smoke from the pot heads.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3120

    I would agree that mobility is huge. I never bring a shack with me and just hammer holes until I find what im looking for. Those ice suits and quality base layers make it really comfortable.

    Posts: 3421

    For panfish, it’s easy. LiveScope. Drill way less holes to find the fish. Then it’s up to me to make them bite.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12559

    My tip would be if you fish panfish, Get a rod with a spring bobber. There are a lot of days you will just miss to many bites without one.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22032

    Always park hard shack in a crap spot so the idiots flock to it and then run around on the sled or wheeler all day. We call it baiting the decoy

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12918

    The lake I primarily fish is not typical so I have nothing for you.
    What I can say is get a good auger and punch holes until you find them.
    Gotta be mobile, good lectronics help.

    Yea I heard fish were hard to come by at the bridge tavern devil rotflol devil rotflol

    AK Guy
    Posts: 1562

    Always park hard shack in a crap spot so the idiots flock to it and then run around on the sled or wheeler all day. We call it baiting the decoy

    When I was a kid we’d put 3 fish houses out. Two of them would buffer the one we’d fish in. Dad didn’t want anyone get too close to “his spot” and “his fish”.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5999

    Use 2 lines whenever you can, if you are fishing with people bring xtra tippies don’t assume they will.

    Posts: 1292

    I cant wait for winter. I’ve never complained about it and will always rather ice fish and enjoy the winter over heat. Mobile is the one but also patience is needed.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    max out horsepower

    Posts: 6629

    Make it as easy to go as possible.

    Minimizing your packing/unpacking time makes it so much easier and keeps it fun instead of a chore.

    In the winter my enclosed trailer is dedicated to ice fishing. I keep the wheeler or sled in it all of the time along with my one man and three man Otters, rods, tackle, auger, heaters, etc.

    I just toss my locator and auger batteries in the truck and off I go.

    South metro
    Posts: 548

    Drill baby, drill…

    Before 3pm anyhow…

    I’ve heard skne people when fishing outside anyhow, don’t skim the hole clean to avoid excess light and shadows being cast down the hole. I get the theory, not sure how much it helps or hurts…

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5719

    I did all of my ice fishing with my late son-in-law, Billy. After he passed my heart just wasn’t in it anymore. The stuff has been sitting there collecting dust.


    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1918

    I don’t ice fish much anymore. If I can be in a boat on the river I choose that everytime. I do have one buddy who is really really good at ice fishing all types of panfish. The number one thing I learned fishing with him is, always be moving, always be drilling holes. Sometimes this means the other side of the lake, sometimes it just means drilling more holes 10 yards away to stay on top of the fish. This guy rarely sits in a shack. And yes, he often stuffs fish in his coat pockets and flasher box. Keep them out of view.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5999

    Yup people can really check on you out on the ice esp. if you are shack free, had a guy actually poke around in my bucket once!

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    Active jigging and dead stick. Don’t be afraid to use something large to actively jig as it will often just simply attract attention. It doesn’t have to be lure sized for target species.

    Never discount that just dead sticking a jig and plastic, will get bitten.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3120

    Thats the one thing i dont do enough of. I rarely ever have two holes next to eachother but thats a good tip.

    Posts: 5307

    I’m opposite end of punch holes all day. Gotta punch enough to find a spot but hunkering down has brought alot of extra fish topside and gives ya more insight to movements

    Justin riegel
    Posts: 976

    My one tip is be efficient. I use to ice fish all the time with lots of wasted time. Now I pick my lakes and times to fish to maximize my catch rate.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    I ALWAYS have two holes drilled and often the dead stick out produces or gets the bigger fish.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22032

    I’m opposite end of punch holes all day. Gotta punch enough to find a spot but hunkering down has brought alot of extra fish topside and gives ya more insight to movements

    The lake I fish the most is a lake you go punch 2 holes and sit. Yes you can chase them all day but your only pushing them. They roam all day so let them roam to you and stay quiet. Pays off most the time.

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