On knowing your worth.

  • TheFamousGrouse
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12323

    I have two young teenage boys and one thing I tried to teach them is to both work hard but to know the value of their work and stick to it. I think this point of knowing their worth is important for boys, and it is even more so important for girls.

    My youngest boy is the neighborhood lawn mowing kid. Over time he’s built up his little business to the point where he does six lawns all summer.

    So last summer this lady comes knocking at the door. Says she wants him to come over and look at a job. Turns out this lady and her husband have just retired and they have a cabin in Wisconsin they want to spend a lot of time at and retirement. She’s looking for somebody to do the lawn all summer, then they don’t have to worry about it.

    So Tommy goes over and looks the job and gives her what I thought was a very reasonable price of $30 to add the house to his normal weekly rotation. She thought that was a good price and told him to go ahead and start next week.

    That evening he received a call from the husband, Richard. He said he didn’t think they needed anyone to do the lawn and the deal was off. He was kind of abrupt about the whole deal and I was left with the impression that he thought Tommy was changing too much.

    Tommy was disappointed and he thought it was a raw deal for her to agree and then Richard steps in, but we talked about it and I explained that’s the way it goes sometimes when you’re in business. He was wondering if she should go back with a lower price but we talked about it and he determined that no he wasn’t going to try and win business by cutting the price.

    Fast forward to yesterday. Apparently Richard is tired of mowing his own lawn all the time. He and the Mrs flagged down Tommy and asked him if he would mow the lawn, but with a new twist. Richard says he wants to watch his Ring cameras from the cabin and determine when it REALLY needs to be done, and then he’d call for service.

    Tommy says that will be fine and the charge will be $120 per mowing. Richard was a little taken aback by this quote. Tommy explained to him he has a full schedule and working in little onesie twosie jobs was a hassle and had to be worth his time. Especially since people who call tend to let the grass grow way too long and it takes extra work.

    Richard starts on the “that’s a crazy price, you’re ripping us off, kid”. So Thomas thanks them and gets on his scooter and rides away.

    He told me he could hear the lady yelling at Richard, “See you cheap SOB? We could have had the lawn taken care of all summer for the same price, but nooooooo. Who’s going to mow your lawn now, Richard? Maybe you can get your Ring camera to do it.”

    I was proud of the kid for deciding what he was worth and sticking to it. Also I think he formed his own impression of what it would be like to mow for Richard and knew that he’d better make it worth it. I hope he remembers this.

    Posts: 25048

    Good for your kid! Haha that is classic!

    Posts: 1882

    My sister forced my nephew to go offer his lawn services to the convicted murderer that lives across the street. He ended up accepting 20$ for a 1 acre yard with dogs and broken fences and tree branches scattered around. I told him he could reneg the deal but only because my sister is apparently stupid and has never mowed a lawn in her life.

    Posts: 25048

    I know its a kid doing it, but a 1 acre lot with all that mess I wouldnt touch it for 100 let alone ignoring the fact its for a murderer.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3211

    Smart kid. Thats a really good value to teach!

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2136

    real good call your son made!!! as for the mother and son, RUN!!!! $20,00 for an acre, no way!!!

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17571

    You can always lower your price, but it’s nearly impossible to raise it. Business is tough to learn. You need to make mistakes and learn how to fix / navigate your way through them.

    Justin riegel
    Posts: 980

    Grouse, sounds like you have pretty astute son already. He can already tell between the Richards and the Dicks.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19027

    Pretty funny. Especially the wife giving “richard” a toungue lashing.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12691

    Love it Grouse! If they come crawling back for the $30/mow on schedule deal, I hope Thomas bumps it to $40 at least. Call it the Richard up charge.

    For anyone with older kids, another great neighborhood hustle is washing windows. I know this because my wife just paid a college kid $250 to do our exterior windows on our 2 story home. Did I think that was a lot? Yes, it took just over an hour I guess. Did I say anything? No, because now I don’t have to do it (I’m not built for ladders/the 2nd story), and there’s another productive American kid out there getting ahead.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4125

    As the father of boys about to turn 4 and 6, I will gladly read any and every post on here about parenting as I want to get it right and set my boys up for the best success possible in life.

    Good read Grouse, thanks.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12748

    I would have just told Richard my schedule for the summer is already full. I have no idea what the going rate is for lawn Mowing these days. If 30.00 for a home lot is the going rate there is some good money in it for kids these days. My guess is a normal home lot would take around a Hour to mow. 30.00 a hour is good money for Kid. I use to work for a city Park and Rec. dept. when I was young. Got paid 3.65 a hr and most of my hours were spent mowing. If a kid had 8 or so lawns to do he could get them all done in 1 day and make 240.00. Not bad money for a young kid.

    Posts: 3438

    One thing to keep in mind if the customers are paying by check or Venmo there are new regulations in place to track electronic payments and if they earn enough they will need to claim it as income. Government needs their cut.

    Jake D
    Watertown, SD
    Posts: 615

    One thing to keep in mind if the customers are paying by check or Venmo there are new regulations in place to track electronic payments and if they earn enough they will need to claim it as income. Government needs their cut.

    MY best friends call me cash cool

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9137

    Great story…and smart kid!

    I’m working on my nephew to take over our lawn as he’s a focused kid and I never have enough time so find myself mowing with lights on half the time. He’s not quite old enough yet, but when he is to safely operate large mowers…it’s going to be worth every dime.

    I currently have him pegged for pocket gophers anywhere on our property with a $4 bounty, and it’s become quite the little side gig for him. Some weekends when he comes to check traps I feel like I’m bleeding $20s

    Snake ii’s
    Posts: 556

    Wish you were closer, I would beg to get on his schedule.

    Posts: 2884

    Not to be a r!chard, but that guy sounds like a d!ck mrgreen

    $120 sounds a little steep though, unless it’s a pretty big/complicated yard to mow.

    Definitely important to know your worth and stick to your guns. My labor has been taken advantage of in the past, and now I am wary.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17571

    With high quality work comes decent wages. Also the guys willing to do the tough / crappy jobs are the guys who have lots of work and make good money.

    Posts: 25048

    $120 sounds a little steep though, unless it’s a pretty big/complicated yard to mow.

    I think it was more about teaching he guy a lesson and he wasnt interested in doing it at all anymore.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13105

    crazy doah when i was a kid…..i got paid $2.00 a lawn…..one was 5 bucks… i felt on top of the world when i got 3 bucks for a lawn!!!!

    with that being said…..sounds like he’s got his act together FG!!! waytogo

    Posts: 2884

    One thing to keep in mind if the customers are paying by check or Venmo there are new regulations in place to track electronic payments and if they earn enough they will need to claim it as income. Government needs their cut.

    Man, for real? My… AHEM… friend uses cash app here and there and hopes he doesn’t cross the threshold. Lame, but I guess that’s to be expected… roll

    Posts: 2884

    I think it was more about teaching he guy a lesson and he wasnt interested in doing it at all anymore.


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19027

    One thing to keep in mind if the customers are paying by check or Venmo there are new regulations in place to track electronic payments and if they earn enough they will need to claim it as income. Government needs their cut.

    Perhaps the enterprising young man could give them a small discount for CASH if that becomes an issue?

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12748

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>mojogunter wrote:</div>
    One thing to keep in mind if the customers are paying by check or Venmo there are new regulations in place to track electronic payments and if they earn enough they will need to claim it as income. Government needs their cut.

    Perhaps the enterprising young man could give them a small discount for CASH if that becomes an issue?

    For a young kid like that it should be a cash only business. No need for the government to know anything about it. No need to have them in someones pockets at that age. They will get their share of money in taxes when he’s older.

    Posts: 3319

    Thank God Tommy didn’t get the job at $120. Those kind of AH just ruin a guys day everytime.

    Grouse I think your son is a good judge of character. waytogo

    Posts: 2872

    Thatta boy Tommy.

    Posts: 1726

    Richard would fall into the 20/80 rule. The 20% that cause 80% of the problems.

    Posts: 1251

    Good on you kid grouse! I wish mine had a little more motivation. I have 2 of them cleaning leaves and weeds out of the landscaping but they are only doing that to get their phones back.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12323

    $120 sounds a little steep though, unless it’s a pretty big/complicated yard to mow.

    That’s called “sending a message” pricing. Richard would have been better off sticking to the original $30 a week deal, wouldn’t he? But no, he wanted to call the shots.

    The message: Don’t be a Richard.

    Most service businesses have PITA pricing for special clients.

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