on demand water heater suggestions

  • to_setter
    Stone Lake, WI
    Posts: 603

    I need a new water heater for a small seasonal cabin. The current water heater is outside the cabin in a “shed” and quit working. The critters were pretty hard on it, so I’m thinking this time I’d try an indoor or outdoor tankless water heater that is propane powered. Anyone have any recommendations? I can’t seem to find if any can be drained so it doesn’t freeze in the winter.

    Posts: 5139

    Have you looked into those smaller tankless electric undersink heaters? They have become pretty cheap and you’d just need to install one under each sink, and electrical at each location. They are also tankless so most water should drain out while you’re draining the pipes.

    Waunakee, WI
    Posts: 165

    Tankless water heaters are great until you have to have them serviced. Too many things to go wrong with them for me to ever install one in my house. Serviced one last week, started with the simple things, draining the condensate sump, clean condensate sensor, flame sensors, inspect venting for obstructions etc. Finally had to disassemble upper and lower manifolds. Found one little chunk of what looked to be part of a spiders web partially blocking one orifice. As I was reassembling the unit I was thinking no way could that little piece have caused the error code, but sure enough that was the problem. A little over 2hrs to service when a tank type heater usually takes about 30 mins, depending on the problem.

    Pillager, Mn.
    Posts: 137

    I installed a Rannai tankless in my lake home 10 years ago. Have not had any problems, its worked great. Never run out of hot water. I can’t help with the draining because I heat my place year round, but I think you could drain it pretty easy.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    If you do put one in here are a few things to keep in mind.

    Make sure you have very good water treatment before the water heater. Hard water is very tough on tankless water heaters.

    You will get endless hot water but chances are with fluctuating well pressure water temp will fluctuate to.

    It will take longer to get hot water to fixtures.

    Make sure to buy a brand from a company that has been around a while. We are all ready seeing a few tankless water heater companies go out of business and leaving very few, in any parts around for service.

    Navien, Rannai, Rheem are a few of the better brands. I have never sold anything less than a 200,000 btu tankless water heater. Pretty standard for our cold water temps.

    Here is a Rheem I put in a couple weeks ago. Customer had a 10 year old tankless in that they got tired of trying to get repaired. Manufacturer had gone out of business.

    1. 20180710_142701.jpg

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    Have you looked into those smaller tankless electric undersink heaters?

    If you are looking for one I have one for you. I would have to look up the specs but it should be large enough to take a shower with. Picked it up for my bathroom on the far end of the house and went a different rout.

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