Standing Bear

  • willie boy
    Cornhusker Central ... HELP!
    Posts: 241

    Went over to Standing Bear just to spend a nice afternoon on the lake. Didn’t go with expectation…especially since I didn’t get on the water until 2:30 PM…

    Fished rocks and didn’t get that many bites, but the ones I did get were quality. In order of occurence: 13″, 21″, 16″, 15″, 17″, 15.5″. First three came on a white spinnerbait in about 5-6 feet of water. Next two came on a texas rigged Zoom french-fry. Last fish came on a Strike King KVD tube bait. Caught all of these fish from 2:30 PM to 5:00 PM…

    Not bad for a small body of water that rumor has it is ‘fished out’…but, as is often the case, I prefer fishing smaller bodies of water with less pressure…even ‘lesser quality’ waters can produce outstanding fishing from time to time.

    Standing Bear is 135 acres and water temps ranged from 62°F at the upper end to 65°F at the dam.

    Lincoln, NE
    Posts: 487

    Sounds like you had a good time Willie. You did better than I did. Took the kids out to Branched Oak, but didn’t get a bite. Thanks for the report.


    willie boy
    Cornhusker Central ... HELP!
    Posts: 241

    think of it like Gambling…the only time gamblers talk about how well they did is when they win…you never hear about the 50 other times they left their money at the casino…that is an apt description of my fishing reports.

    No one wants to hear: 6 hours, nada, bubkis…

    Which happens to this day with a frequency I’d like to change…

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Thanks Willie Boy! Have you been out to Z lately?

    willie boy
    Cornhusker Central ... HELP!
    Posts: 241

    not yet…and not sure exactly when I’m going to get there either…might be hitting Wehrspann first…too much other stuff to do…including tournaments, kids stuff…

    want to get out there though…does that count?

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Counts in my book.

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