Older Lowrance Tech questions

  • bullcans
    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2028

    So the ultimate goal for me by asking these questions is to get the best and clearest Side scan view with what I have currently to work with or do a slight upgrade in transducers if needed.
    So here goes…
    Currently I have set up, an HDS gen3 and a HDS gen 2 set up at the console.
    I have them running off a LSS1 SS module with a LSS1 SS transducer and a regular 2d sonar transducer.
    I understand that the HDS gen3 has it’s own SS module built in so no need for the LSS1 module to be connected to it but i read on a different sight that running the gen 3 through the SS module may help enhance the view. I have both of these units as well as my bow unit HDS gen1) all linked via ethernet cables.
    When i bought the HDS gen 3 it only came with the 2d sonar.
    Would i see much/significant difference in view/clarity if i purchased an upgrade in a transducer like an LSS2 or total scan or 3d or hd ducer?
    I’m fine with the electronics I have and don’t really need to keep up with the “latest and greatest” tech that’s out there. Just want to get the best out of my HDS gen 3 unit and hopefully transfer those images to the Gen 2 and gen 1 units via the ethernet cable.
    Hope this all makes sense to you Lowrance Tech guys out there.
    Any advise is appreciated.

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