Old Syle Lazer Auger – Power Adapter

  • grpubl7
    Central WI
    Posts: 321

    Looking to buy, but they seem to be rare these days. This 5″ auger has a threaded stub on the end. The crank handle is a threaded tube. I need to find an adapter to latch on to this male threaded stub with my Milwaukee M18 Fuel. Have a newer style 6″ with the proper adapter, but I really like a 5″ hole for perch and bluegill in shallow waters that I fish. Anybody have one or know where one is sittiing?

    It’s a RH thread and the auger would tighten to the adapter as it cuts. But, I am still leery of losing everything down the hole if the drill chuck loosens (that has been known to happen). Your thoughts…??

    1. 1000007892-1-scaled.jpg

    Posts: 24542

    Looks like standard pipe thread to me. I would think you could fab something up pretty easy from a hardware store. You would probably need to reduce the diameter somehow so that would be the tricky part.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12543

    Unless you have plans to return that back to a hand auger at a later dates, I’d just grind down the threads and use it on the drill that way. These old lazer drill are all over on the net for sale dirt cheap.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12543

    As far as a risk of losing it down the hole if it becomes unchucked you could add a float like the k drill or a round dish like some others use. You may need a rather big float to keep this lazer afloat

    Central WI
    Posts: 321

    It is a Metric M12-1.5 straight thread.

    Central WI
    Posts: 321

    Scowered the www to find an adapter and the only one to be had was on Ebay. It has the proper internal thread to match the threaded stub on my auger and an end shaft with 3 flats milled for the drill chuck. All should be fine as long as I do not run the drill in reverse. Will clean the mating threads with acetone and give it a dab of Green Loktite, just to be sure. Will use a soft 6″ doggie Frisbee to ward off a lost 5 inch auger assembly.

    Thanx for the replies.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21939

    Wrap the connection with gorilla tape and do the Frisbee and a codder key

    Central WI
    Posts: 321

    That is precisely the one that I bought.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18967

    I have two 6″ augers like that collecting dust. I would do something like that but its pointless now that I have an E40.

    Central WI
    Posts: 321

    That helped enormously.

    Central WI
    Posts: 321

    The adapter finally arrived after much delay only to find that the vendor shipped the wrong item, whistling

    Soooo…I am ordering this one. It has the proper M12-1.5 female metric thread to fit the stub on the old style Lazer auger.

    1. adapter.jpg

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