Oil for my F90Yamaha…

  • Mocha
    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    I have a 2009 F90 Yamaha that is out of warranty. It has had Yama Lube from day 1. I am considering switching to Pennzoil Platinum fully synthetic.



    Duke M
    Posts: 208

    I just did my oil change prior to storage of my Yamaha T60. I switched to Mobil 1 full synthetic. From past experience I know Mobil 1 is quality oil. An outboard has a constant stream of cooling water and in my opinion any decent oil should handle the demand an outboard puts on it. Incidentally I used a NAPA gold filter.


    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    I’ve read a few oil threads here and there might be some misconceptions about the difference between marine and auto oil. It boils down to the additives in marine oil for anti moisture and the cold running that Duke mentions. IMO, synthetic isn’t worth the money because in theory, it won’t be in there long enough. Boat motors should have more frequent changes than a vehicle. I use a HD diesel truck oil as it has some of the same additives as marine oil but cheaper. If you were diligent about replacing every 100 hours, you could get away with most oils.

    Posts: 77

    Rotella T5 10W-30 get’s my vote. It’s a semi-syn HDEO oil that’s reasonably priced at Walmart.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    I have a 2009 F90 Yamaha that is out of warranty. It has had Yama Lube from day 1. I am considering switching to Pennzoil Platinum fully synthetic.



    I can’t see why not. As others have pointed out, there are minor differences in additives, but at the end of the day a motor oil’s primary job is the same in every engine–keep moving parts from rubbing against each other.

    Superdave is right in that most guys aren’t going to put enough hours on their engines to seriously tax a motor oil. But I think synthetic is worth it, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be harming anything by using conventional.

    I’ve been running Mobil 1 in everything from cars to trucks to lawnmowers since 1990 when synthetics were practically unheard of. I’ve never had an engine die of oil related issues and I’ve had engines go 180k miles and not burn a drop of oil. I’ve got a 25 year old lawnmower that doesn’t use a drop of oil.

    The flow characteristics of synthetic over the full range of temps is what I think makes them worth the price.


    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    I’ll just add that if the motor is used for any extensive trolling, more thought or more frequent oil changes should be made. Idling outboards create a lot of condensation in the oil. That is where the anti moisture additives of marine oil come into play. I do a lot of trolling but try to mitigate that with more frequent changes.

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