Not sure if anyone has been following this story but it’s nice to hear that justice has been served.

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Not sure if anyone has been following this story but it’s nice to hear that justice has been served.
Glad they got him. I hope they go after everyone that helped this guy as well.
Had not been following this story. What a idiot and D-bag. I’m glad he was caught and not able to continue to profit off of the crime
I’ve been following since he was on podcasts with his made up story. What a pos. And what a shame such a beautiful deer died that way. And the other one he shot in the 150 class. But this one 244 ” is just gross that it died by poacher. A young healthy guy poaching with a crossbow makes the story even worse lol. ( just teasing x bow guys that are young and healthy )
Hopefully on December 11th they throw the book at him. Take his privilege to hunt forever. And fine him 50k.
Big bucks , big busted woman and big money make some guys do some real messed up stuff.
Big bucks , big busted woman and big money make some guys do some real messed up stuff.
What you talkin about Willis?
Repeat a lie enough times people believe it , its a proven tactic . His mistake was he put in writing he was a low life pos and then admitted to it . Those who helped him should also be prosecuted
Here is a press release from the ODNR on the matter.
I would love to see the official score sheet after getting panel scored.
With a suggested net score of 206 7/8” which could put it at no 2 on the all time list.
The forked G2/G3 on the left beam could be ruled a common base point.
In the past there have been some bucks with common base points that have killed there net typical score.
A couple that come to mind are the King buck and the Zaft buck.
Big bucks , big busted woman and big money make some guys do some real messed up stuff.
What you talkin about Willis?
A young healthy guy poaching with a crossbow makes the story even worse lol. ( just teasing x bow guys that are young and healthy )
Big bucks , big busted woman and big money make some guys do some real messed up stuff.
I mean you can just tag me and EPG directly next time.
I have a bum shoulder, been that way for years!
It looks like he has finally been sentenced.
Looks like his ol lady better get an Onlyfans page going. He has to come up with some serious money.
Ouch that one hurts lol. I’m glad they didn’t go easy on him. But I feel his hunting privlages should be gone for life. Not just for the poach but because how far he tried to take the lie. What a pos
Ouch that one hurts lol. I’m glad they didn’t go easy on him. But I feel his hunting privlages should be gone for life. Not just for the poach but because how far he tried to take the lie. What a pos
I always thought taking hunting privileges to a poacher was a joke.
All that would do is stop them from legally hunting. They already hunted illegally what’s to stop them from doing it again without being able to buy a license at all.
Be interesting to hear from the landowners this dbag shot the buck on.
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