Well, after a slow start this morning, Wefish and I had the kind of day where you just don’t want to quit fishing. Launched at the Riverfront tavern in the dark,with our first drift down river towards the lake. With no hits and 6 boats moving in, we decided to head up river, and pretty much had it all to ourselves for the better part of the day. It took a while for the fish to really cooperate, but our patience paid off. It was again tough to get eater size fish, but after boating 8 beauties like the ones shown (22.5 to 24.5 inches), loosing a couple others, and taking home three in the 16 to 18 inch range, who can complain. Also released over 20 undersize, which is good to see. Odd thing today was that, unlike Thursday, we did not get a single white bass, which was fine with us.
Plastics, fatheads, and even crawlers did the damage today, with mine coming on the home-made stand-up jigs. water temps rose to the 52 to 55 degrees range, as opposed to 48 on Thursday, but it sure didn’t put a damper on the eye’s appetite, as many of them were slamming the baits. I would guess that we missed about as many fish as we boated today. so how can you stay away from a bite like this?? We can’t, and back at it in the morning for the next round.
Good to see you, Broadway Bob.



