Oconto spring 2023

  • NofHwy8
    baldwin, WI
    Posts: 71

    Was hoping to fish close to home but with the high water on the St Croix and the Mississippi I need to expand my search. I’ve fished the Oconto area numerous times but it has always been in August. Whats happening now? Are the fish back in the lake? Is there a shoreline trolling bite happening? Live bait? Not looking for gps coordinates, just looking for a starting point. Thanks in advance!

    Posts: 3432

    I would think the walleyes are back in the lake for the most part by now. I normally have fished Memorial weekend for the last 15 years. We would normally pull spinners, and or cranks in shallow water. The bite has gotten worse and worse the last 4 years due to what appears to be alewive being everywhere. Last year we went back in the middle of June and the bite was still off. Where do you fish in August and how to you target them? There is talk of maybe going the 4th of July and give it a go this year.

    Was hoping to fish close to home but with the high water on the St Croix and the Mississippi I need to expand my search. I’ve fished the Oconto area numerous times but it has always been in August. Whats happening now? Are the fish back in the lake? Is there a shoreline trolling bite happening? Live bait? Not looking for gps coordinates, just looking for a starting point. Thanks in advance!

    baldwin, WI
    Posts: 71

    Thanks MOJO. I was thinking exactly what you described. The times I’ve fished there in August I was on and around Oconto shoal pulling cranks or blades. Mixed results of coarse. 12 to 25 ft. I usually do one day “windows maker” trip…leaving at 3 am and returning same day late. never had the time to slow down and try to put a good pattern together. Again usually caught some fish and some days were really good. Thanks again! LMK if you go and how the bite is and I’ll do the same!

    Posts: 3432

    We have found eyes memorial weekend as shallow as 4′, but 6′ is a good depth to start. This year I am headed to Erie memorial weekend. Let me know how you do early. I hope to find some fish in July. Good luck

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