Oahe Report

  • inge66
    Posts: 366

    Well I spent the past four days fishing at Oahe. This is truely an amazing piece of water. We arrived on the 26th and meet with some friends who had been out there for the previous few days and they quickly informed us that they had the fish dialed in.

    Well I had not been out there for several years and couldnt even believe that the river system is up over 20′ in just the past year. We fished most areas where the map chip showed us on land.

    Anyone that has ever fished out in South Dakota knows that you need to keep an eye on the wind because it can really blow out there. With that being said our goal was to pre-fish for a tournament that was staged out of the Outpost Lodge area at Cow Creek, so we decided to fish that area on Saterday even though out best reports were coming from the mouth of the Cheyenne River. Well the wind was blowing 25-35 which was ruff but managable for my partners 20′ Ranger but all of a sudden a storm came in and the wind blew to over 50mph. This made it for a hairy boat ride in but we made it. There were reports that three boats were capsized but I cant confirm that. We did catch some very nice fish in this area and felt pretty cofident that we could duplicate it when it came Monday.

    On Sunday we trailered and went to where the Cheyenne and put in at Little Bend. We used a ramp that had been dry for over 8 years because the river had been low. We had a great day of fishing in the Cheyenne with multiple limints caught and some really nice kicker fish mixed in. It was decided that this was the area that we would fish for the tourney even though it would be almost three hours of our day doing this.

    Well it paid off day one weighing in eight fish just shy of 25lbs. After it was all said and done we were 2oz out of the lead after day one. Well day two had also good fishing but we were not able to catch the kicker fish that we really needed and day two ended with a 19lb limit. When it was all said and done we finished 1.2lbs out of 1st for a 5th place finish which I was very happy with since this was my first tourny. There were 50 teams so all and all it was a great time on the water with good friends.

    Posts: 9325

    Nice recap and congrats on the tourney. I’m assuming you cashed a check and that is always nice.

    Posts: 366

    Ya cashed a small check, missed out on $1500 for first though.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Wind?? I never witnessed a day without I think. Thanks for sharing the report and congrats on your finish.

    Melrose, WI
    Posts: 265

    Congrats on the fish! I just got back Sunday from 9 days out there myself and I too was caught in that wind storm. Luckily we were still in Okobojo Bay and only a mile from the house/ramp. We ended up finding a point on the mouth of Dry Creek that spit out limits of 19 inch fish with quite a few of the 24 o 26″ kicker fish. That point held up all week long It is nice to see the 19″ fish pushing 3 pounds, they sure are healthy girls this year.


    Wind?? I never witnessed a day without I think.

    I’m with you Kooty, but last week was strange. There were 3 days with dead calm and that really slowed the bite down. You could still manage, but they would only bite in the morning and evenings on the flat days.

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