Now there’s Panoptix “LiveScope”

  • Tuma
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    WOW. If it works that good Lowrance and Humminbird will be in trouble.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403


    Posts: 168

    Humminbird and Lowrance were already in trouble with the standard Panoptix. If Garmin knew how to teach what is important. The trouble would be a lot deeper.

    Seen a couple of independent video’s made by individuals that were far and above better than Garmin’s video’s on the Panoptix.

    I hope Garmin does not learn how to market the technology. The competition is good for us consumers. I don’t think the average consumer is all that impressed by some hired bass pro going ooh and ahh and labeling everything a “gamechanger “. That routine convinces very few.

    Reason I know this to be true. A few guys that have fished with me on my boat. Everyone of them were convinced they needed what I had after only one trip. Seeing is and experiencing the technology what sells if it works. Small sample I know but 100% 0f anything is awful hard to achieve.

    Posts: 24666

    Agreed Papa! There are literally new gamechangers every year if you listen to those paid or given the equipment to use.
    The key is hearing from those who actually plunk down the coin for it and how they rate, critique something.
    I don’t really care too much about someone whose shirt is a walking billboard for every important company in the fishing industry’s opinion.
    I care more about the opinion from a guy who spent $1500 on this thing and now is going to have to ration his beer.
    This is dang sweet technology though and the fact it can achieve that detail without moving is what separates this from everything else out there. All of the others require either the transducer to be moving/rotating (Bird 360) or boat moving (any other side/down scan).

    Posts: 19572

    It looks incredible, but i’m sure Lowrance & Humminbird have similar tech in their near future…all 3 companies steal and then tweak each other’s technology…Humminbird has the Lakemaster advantage…

    Robert Duncan
    Posts: 68

    What is the beam width of livescope? The old panoptix’s was 100 deg X 20 deg. I have not seen what livescope is from the spec. docs.

    east bethel
    Posts: 436

    ha! go figure….Bill Dance ends up in the water. rotflol lmfao

    that graph looks beautiful!!

    Posts: 19572

    My only worry is that the tech is so new that they’ll figure out ways to make it better so quickly that your current model will look like Atari after a season or two…just like original Panoptix owners right now…

    I’ll wait for the tech to mature, but wow does it look darn impressive!

    Robert Duncan
    Posts: 68

    As soon as the new ice bundle comes out, I am in! Thinking we may see a new echo map to go with it.

    Chris Messerschmidt
    Posts: 615

    I am not a Garmin guy, but you know what. I love the product! You know why I think its a hit?? Look at the tournament winners especially the top 5 in MN AIM and event the NWT guys…

    Starting to see a lot of them have been running this. They’re winning because of this technology which helps A LOT!!! That my friends is a game changer.

    I am thinking of making the full switch to Garmin or at least putting a Echomap 93 on my back deck with panoptix/Livescope.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    <div class=”oembed-wrap”><div class=”fluid-width-video-wrapper” style=”padding-top: 56.2353%;”><iframe src=”; frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; encrypted-media” allowfullscreen=”” id=”fitvid422367″></iframe></div></div>

    I had to show my wife this video, It is hilarious! She agrees!

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17389

    I think if I bought Garmin it would have to come with a instructor for 30 days. crazy

    Remember the days we only wanted to know how deep the water was? jester

    Posts: 24666

    I think if I bought Garmin it would have to come with a instructor for 30 days. crazy

    Remember the days we only wanted to know how deep the water was? jester

    Actually the units these days are getting pretty user friendly. Yes, there are advance features and setting that can get a bit overwhelming to many, but those are things you don’t ever have to futz with if you don’t want to.

    I want to see this livescope in person. It looks pretty amazing. I thought the original panoptix was cool, but this is many levels above that if it works as advertised.

    Red Eye
    Posts: 1005

    Anyone actually seen a video of this in use that WASN’T put out by garmin. Would be nice to see it in normal use.

    Posts: 2687

    If you do any site fishing shallow water, just because you can see fish, doesn’t equate to a hook in a fish’s mouth instantaneously and a tight line.

    There is no doubt technology will keep pushing forward. But upgrading yearly to all the technology and gear is idiotic and impossible to finacially achieve for 90% of people. Or time and energy wise for that matter.

    It’s cool technology.

    But from what I’ve seen will not change the game as much as the GPS and map cards did. That was and still is the biggest game changer I’ve witnessed fishing bar none for the average Joe.

    Posts: 24666

    But from what I’ve seen will not change the game as much as the GPS and map cards did. That was and still is the biggest game changer I’ve witnessed fishing bar none for the average Joe.

    Saying the LiveScope is a gamechanger doesn’t take anything away from all the other technological advancements made over time. This isn’t a discussion about where it ranks in history. Heck, the GPS I would argue has a lesser impact to fishing than a graphite fishing rod or the original Lowrance Fish Lo-K-Tor.
    I mean who doesn’t use a graphite rod these days? Yeah there are different materials used, but I would say its pretty dang close to 100% usage rate so that to me means a lot more to fishing than a GPS. GPS serves little purpose to a shore fisherman.
    I do agree the price of technology is high. I don’t replace my electronics every year, but I tend to buy one new unit to roll off an older unit every two years. I haven’t purchased the “latest and greatest” either. I am usually one model year behind and capitalize on deep discounts of those units.

    Matt L
    Twin Cities
    Posts: 67

    It’s insane.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 234

    wow, don’t tell my wife, but I want one

    Gunflint Trail
    Posts: 78

    The Panoptix Livescope is like an Ultrasound for the lake. Because of a 3 year patent lawsuit between Garmin and the owner of Lowrance, there is a cross license deal that gives Lowrance access to the Livescope technology and they will release it next year under the name “Livesight.” Same capability and same feautres.

    This will really put the pressure on Humminbird who was not part of the lawsuit.

    There is a guy in Wisconsin that just made a DIY portable kit to allow you to take the Panoptix ice fishing. Looks great.

    Click here for DIY – How to build your own kit.

    Gunflint Trail
    Posts: 78

    Yes, I agree it is jaw dropping. I have my portable Panoptix LIVESCOPE all built and ready for Ice Fishing. They are even more remarkable on hard water.

    1. IMG_3464.jpg

    Posts: 276

    That is cool!

    Posts: 3403

    That is cool!

    I should have one next week, and I will let you know if you should come over to the dark side. grin

    Chad Engels
    Fargo, ND
    Posts: 42

    Livescope is very cool. It definitely does not replace or even compete with humminbird 360. HB 360 is 360 degree side imaging. HB 360 instantly shows a map view of bottom structure and hardness in all directions. Livescope does not due this, in fact with livescope you need to physically turn the transducer to look around which is not exactly convenient. Livescope is completely different technology, it shows the water profile, not map view. Livescope also shows the fish. If you want to go all in, use HB 360 to instantly see structure and casting targets in all directions and use Livescope to check those targets for fish. I recently saw a tricked out Bass Boat with a Minn Kota Ultrex, 12” HB Solix, HB 360, 12” Garmin, and Livescope transducer all mounted on the bow. The first 2 feet of the boat was worth over $10,000. In my area of Western Minnesota, you can’t avoid Humminbird, the Lakemaster maps are so good and all the other maps are so crappy. I see lots of Lowrance guys running one Humminbird just for the Lakemaster. Garmin side imaging does not compete with HB Mega or newer Lowrance side scan found on the Carbons. If Lowrance combines its superior imaging with the Livescope technology it will instantly be better on day one of its release. Time will tell. Humminbird better get going because these live products are the future.

    Gunflint Trail
    Posts: 78

    “Humminbird better get going because these live products are the future.”

    The trouble for Humminbird is that the Livescope concept is covered by a strong patent. Lowrance and Garmin had a big patent fight and the result was a cross-licensing agreement. The result is that Lowrance will release a LiveView product like the Livescope next spring. Humminbird is in a difficult place as this new technology becomes cheaper and better known.

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