There’s an awful lot of energy put into the anti-netting effort. Maybe some effort should also be put into educating ML anglers so they’ll behave more responsibly? There aren’t a lot of muskie fishermen that keep muskies on ML because of the effort that community put into encouraging responsible harvest that preserves the resource (in the case of muskies “reasponsiblee harvest” is often zero harvest). Of course, if everyone insists of killing as many walleys as they can on ML anglers and netters will have to put up with bad harvest years and good harvest years going forward.
Good point John, however it’s the DNR that set those limits and slot sizes so it’s there you need to turn to get them changed. I do agree there is over harvest by some hook and line guys. They are commonly known as poachers. I’m all for stepped up enforcement if the Walleyes come back to a fish-able population.