Now over 100 fishermen trapped on Upper Red

  • buckybadger
    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    I was told that there were anglers out of Rogers, JRs, and Morts all making up the 100+ who were stranded. Maybe that was incorrect?

    Rogers posted about the situation on Facebook with transparency about getting gear off for everyone. The others didn’t share a thing.

    Central WI
    Posts: 152

    Nothing quite like the combo of exploiting both natural resources and government resources for your own personal financial gain. Usually the latter alone is enough to get you chastised around here.

    When a bar serves a minor and the minor ends up driving drunk and killing someone, both the minor and the bar are legally liable. While the minor is indeed the catalyst in this scenario, the bar is without a doubt, partially responsible. Just because the consumer wants it, doesn’t mean the business should provide it.

    Are the resorts serving minors alcohol?
    All these scenarios??? Let’s play on this scenario, said bar as mentioned has a customer come in and has a soda. Customers leaves in the middle of a blizzard, gets in a wreck and EMS has to be called to save the driver. Should the bar be liable for the driver and paying EMS??

    The resorts are charging customers to cross their private land. That is it, they can not be responsible for what fisherman do on public waters. Same as a bar can not be held liable for letting a sober driver leave in a blizzard.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    It looks like the Sheriffs Department did just take some action.

    They are disallowing any motorized vehicles on the lake. This includes ATVs, Snowmobiles, Side by Sides, and so on. Their post mentioned the time and dates it would start. If you are out there with a vehicle it’s a chargeable offense subject to being fined.

    This is a new precedent as far as I’m aware that seems difficult to enforce. There will be some angry keyboard warriors who are now forced to walk out. Stay tuned

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3413

    Hypothetical… If the resorts let people out on 2 inches of ice and tell their paying customers it’s all good and someone falls in and dies, is the resort at all responsible?

    There’s a line drawn somewhere but I will admit it’s more gray than black and white. Common sense goes a long way and these rescues happening every couple days are getting out of control and are a really bad look for the ice fishing community.

    Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1344

    Government will step in and put some sort of stop to this… maybe for the better, maybe worse.

    Posts: 12741

    Hypothetical… If the resorts let people out on 2 inches of ice and tell their paying customers it’s all good and someone falls in and dies, is the resort at all responsible?

    There’s a line drawn somewhere but I will admit it’s more gray than black and white. Common sense goes a long way and these rescues happening every couple days are getting out of control and are a really bad look for the ice fishing community.

    Hypothetical if a resort lets a 14 foot john boat out fishing in 3 foot waves are they responsible if they get swamped.
    I’d say no.

    Since your question hasn’t happened and won’t happen I would say anyone that walks on 2 inches of ice is an idiot.
    Yes you may die.

    Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1344

    Government will step in and put some sort of stop to this… maybe for the better, maybe worse.

    Haha I guess this happened shortly before more post. Bucky beat me to it.

    Posts: 4800

    Here it is

    1. IMG_0103.png

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    I assume you can still walk out there, can’t you?

    Is a motorized vehicle restriction going to prevent people from drifting away on another ice sheet if they can still walk out there?

    Posts: 932

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Gitchi Gummi wrote:</div>
    Hypothetical… If the resorts let people out on 2 inches of ice and tell their paying customers it’s all good and someone falls in and dies, is the resort at all responsible?

    There’s a line drawn somewhere but I will admit it’s more gray than black and white. Common sense goes a long way and these rescues happening every couple days are getting out of control and are a really bad look for the ice fishing community.

    Hypothetical if a resort lets a 14 foot john boat out fishing in 3 foot waves are they responsible if they get swamped.
    I’d say no.

    Since your question hasn’t happened and won’t happen I would say anyone that walks on 2 inches of ice is an idiot.
    Yes you may die.

    I was thinking the same thing, but…I can easily see if it’s too rough for my taste. I can’t tell how thick the ice is unless I test it for myself. IMO if a resort is open in the winter for fishing guys assume that the ice is good enough to go out in some fashion (walking, ATV, SXS, truck, diesel pusher with a 54 foot Ice Castle…) The level of safety is determined by the guy at the bait shop or resort for a lot of people. That can be a bad decision. How many of those guys rescued said “well the guy at the resort said…”

    This is a bad ice fishing year and I think it’s going to get worse once it gets cold. There will be a bunch of stupid people around the metro going for a swim because it got cold for a few days. Guaranteed someone goes swimming on Tonka.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    Guaranteed someone goes swimming on Tonka.

    There were jet skiers in wet suits out there on Thursday afternoon.

    Posts: 2224

    If a person or company charges a fee (example access the lake) that person or company can and most often will become “responsible” for their customers’ safety.

    I would expect that liability increases dramatically if the company (resort) charging the fee knows there is a risk.

    Beltrami sheriff decided to take the decision and liability (and income) out of the resorts’ hands.

    Posts: 6631

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Coletrain27 wrote:</div>
    Here it is

    This is an extremely slippery slope….

    That ship has sailed

    It became law last year in the land of 100,000,000 laws

    We’re headed to LOTW Monday-Thursday (ATVs), sucks that we’ll have that much more traffic on the lake to deal with now.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6243

    I assume you can still walk out there, can’t you?

    Is a motorized vehicle restriction going to prevent people from drifting away on another ice sheet if they can still walk out there?

    Unless you’re willing to walk-in terms of miles, yes it will drastically reduce the occurrences.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    Unless you’re willing to walk-in terms of miles, yes it will drastically reduce the occurrences.

    I see. Thanks

    Central WI
    Posts: 152

    If a person or company charges a fee (example access the lake) that person or company can and most often will become “responsible” for their customers’ safety.

    I would expect that liability increases dramatically if the company (resort) charging the fee knows there is a risk.

    Beltrami sheriff decided to take the decision and liability (and income) out of the resorts’ hands.

    Does that also apply to WI counties charging access fees to Wisconsin waters?
    The government should not be in the business of regulating Darwinism!

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    I assume you can still walk out there, can’t you?

    Is a motorized vehicle restriction going to prevent people from drifting away on another ice sheet if they can still walk out there?

    i have no idea why people feel the need to push it year in and year out early ice out there? they probably feel they need to bring their atv or SxS because they spent all that cash on it?
    with no snow on the ice, a guy could pull a skid house out there by hand its that easy but walking is tough for some I guess?
    it would probably take 10 minutes to walk to the first break and fish but some feel they need to go as far as possible from shore which is comical really.
    too many FB fisherman these days is probably part of the problem

    Posts: 3319

    I would like to know how many of these stranded people have been rescued in the past???
    I give anyone 1 mistake after that somebody needs to pay. There needs to be a list of past offenders.

    central mn / starlake
    Posts: 480

    why do they need to cross the the crakes? that’s when they have troubles.

    Posts: 2224

    WI is not relevant to this conversation. I do not know the laws in WI. The Beltrami sheriff and his team had had enough. They closed Red Lake to vehicle traffic. The stupid can venture elsewhere with their ATVs.

    Posts: 2224

    Red Lake and a few other huge MN lakes are a bit different in that ice flows can and do break off.

    When a resort charges an access fee and has plows, etc… People start to assume the lake has been checked and is OK. They charge they do become (in-part) responsible.

    If I am entering a lake off a public access and there is much less traffic, it is up to the angler to check the ice as they venture out, etc…

    Posts: 2224

    why do they need to cross the the crakes? that’s when they have troubles.

    Not an expert here, but …

    Crossing cracks is common on Red, LOTW, Mille Lacs, and I am sure many other big lakes where the ice shifts … I have crossed bridges on all three lakes in January-March when the lake ice is thicker and a bit more stable. That is what you (in part) are paying for when you access these lakes or rent houses on these lakes.

    Once the entire lake is froze over relatively well … the cracks tend not to widen by that much since the ice movement becomes more restricted. The way the ice can lift upwards can be pretty amazing.

    Posts: 2224

    Waiting for Walz to declare a state emergency and close all ice to vehicles or may be even people ??

    Posts: 1179

    I guess when a guy is strapped for time, maybe it makes sense to risk it for the biscuit.

    But the fish ain’t going anywhere. Ill go catch my fill when the lakes firm up. Just can’t imagine risking anything for a few 18” walleyes. Good luck to ya if ya go though.

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2028

    Waiting for Walz to declare a state emergency and close all ice to vehicles or may be even people ??

    He’s more interested and busy trying to figure out how to tax this thing…

    Posts: 760

    Looks like another rescue today on Lake of the Woods. Out from Long Point, around 50 people stranded around sunset after the ice shifted. Multiple aluminum boats and air boats bringing stranded fishermen across the open water.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    I wonder if John Rasmussen is one of them. He said he was going up there.

    We finally made it up there after a long messed up trip. We were east of the issues for the most part until Monday morning we packed up and made it home safe.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    We finally made it up there after a long messed up trip. We were east of the issues for the most part until Monday morning we packed up and made it home safe.

    Good to hear. waytogo

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