Now I have seen it all!

  • diesel
    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    Family wanted to go for a boat ride/fishing on Monday. Knowing what to expect on the Fox River in oshkosh on this Monday was WAY under estimated. We dealth with the poor launch etiquette and the such but what got me is this. We are in the convoy going through the no wake zones heading back in. It is bumper boats like crazy and these two jet skis are in line,,,of course in front of me. So as we gag on exhaust,,,yes the boats were that close. So I am trying to keep an eye on everything around me given the close quarters and the tuna boats churning wakes (yes in the no wake zone – with the sheriff watching and doing nothing). One jet ski just would not get moving. So I am about 20 feet from him and I am putting the engine in and out of gear to keep from running up on him. I am about to hit the horn when I see why…wait for it,,,,wait for it

    HE IS TEXTING!!!!!

    I can only say thank goodness my 11 year son was in the boat or this cat would have heard some choice words. Oh did I mention this knob was in congested water ways, surrounded by big boats in a bottleneck caused by a bridge….blah blah blah

    I just wanted to get off the water and home after that…good thing we were doing just that.

    Rant over.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend and remembered all those who serve and have served.


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Ok, I have to ask. Anyone and everyone that EVER drops a boat into the Bago system KNOWS that all pleasure crafts trump fishing boats. What in the H – E double hockey sticks were you thinking? How dare you invade his space and think that your fishing vessel has the right to continue through his water to the launch. He was probably texting the Sheriff your haul number and reporting you for harassment.
    Welcome to my life on there from March to June. And you wonder why I don’t do weekends/Holidays on there – LMAO. That pond at the end of your street would most likely be a very peaceful place jester

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    I think it’s great that texting is now a thing that grumpy old men love to bitch about. Sort of like, “Those darn kids and their skateboards!” jester

    I can see where texting while idling in traffic at the ramp could be irritating, but at least he wasn’t texting while driving.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Thanks Diesel,

    You reminded me to appreciate P4 that much more now that the walleye opener has passed!

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    I think it’s great that texting is now a thing that grumpy old men love to bitch about. Sort of like, “Those darn kids and their skateboards!” jester

    I can see where texting while idling in traffic at the ramp could be irritating, but at least he wasn’t texting while driving.

    The thing is he was not idling. He was inline with the rest of us heading upstream fighting the wakes. That is what I was amazed at. If he was idling, that is a different story.


    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    but at least he wasn’t texting while driving.

    Ummm…He was driving dude…….

    Cody Klebs
    Posts: 26

    I avoid that stretch like the plague….especially on a holiday weekend.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1442

    Derek, you simply were in the wrong place. Pine Point at Lac Seul on Memorial day……not another boat in site, just moose, and lots of walleye.. devil

    Posts: 115

    I understand the texting on a cellphone part, but who’d be caught dead riding a jet ski???

    At the intersection of Pools 6 & 7
    Posts: 595

    I must be a grumpy old monkeybutt because texting strikes a nerve. The other day I was driving through our town and the car behind me is suddenly five feet into a lawn. I’m thinking it’s a drunk, meth addict, whatever, so I take a quick left and get around the next block and there she is, some woman (in this case), texting away at the stop sign. In the last couple years I’ve had to take evasive action at least three times as someone drifted over the center line while texting. They’re not kids either.

    The jet ski texter would have pushed me over the edge.

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