Can’t imagine what they’ll look like after another few weeks of fattening up.
Side note- where do these types of fish usually move to come ice season? It seems there aren’t many reports of people catching these size fish on tipups or anything.
After a couple more weeks look like the one pictured below. That one was from last year or the year before but was easily over 50 lbs if not approaching 60 lbs. Or over?
Where do they go? An unanswered question for decades. Occasionally there will be a few caught early ice, but after that…rarely if at all. They do tend to hibernate like smallmouth bass on Mille Lacs. Who catches smallies through the ice on Mille Lacs? Given how many are out there?
Large northern pike are a frequent catch out there through the ice. I have scored a few myself. Epic when caught on a walleye stick.
Stay tuned…the longer the lake stays open, the better chance of more epic muskellunge catches!
