Nose jammer.

  • Bearcat89
    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22105

    Any one use it ? My good buddy swears by it. Said he has shot more the. A handful of deer that came in from down wind while using nose jammer. He said he hadn’t had so many deer not smell him out on the down wind side. So I ran out and bought a can, spray it on my pants and boots before I walk out.
    Any one else use this with luck or have anything bad to say about it.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1507

    I don’t but have used it before.
    I keep my scent to a minimum and play the wind.

    It does work or at least makes them wonder wth is that smell and pause before gettin outta Dodge.

    I never sprayed it on myself though. Just on something slightly downwind of me.

    Posts: 4802

    been using it for about 5 years now and use it every time i sit. i spray it on my boots and when i get to stand i spray some on the tree above me

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22105

    Well I’m a believer now. Had 9 deer come straight to me with my scent blowing right at them. And when mama doesn’t smell me then I know it worked.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3417

    which product of theirs are you using? looks like they have everything from field spray to dude wipes and deodorant.

    Posts: 4524

    Well I’m a believer now. Had 9 deer come straight to me with my scent blowing right at them. And when mama doesn’t smell me then I know it worked.

    So you shot 3 of the 9 then?

    Posts: 24658

    I have been using nose jammer for many years. I dont spray it on me, but I put it on leaves, etc around me and I believe it does indeed work. It smells like black licorice to me.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6736

    Well I’m a believer now. Had 9 deer come straight to me with my scent blowing right at them. And when mama doesn’t smell me then I know it worked.

    Been using it for years. Have yet to kick my bad habit of smoking. Try to not smoke in the stand but that only works for a little bit. I usually spray it on the trees around the stand and sometimes freshen it up a bit after having a cig. No proof per say but I know of a few guys using it and swear by it. Kinda wish it was still less known, as it has increased in price a lot in the last few years.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3136

    You will never cover human scent enough. I think it depends on how pressured deer are to have a negative reaction to it. I have seen deer walk right over my ground scent and others freak out. If it gives you more confidence by all means use it.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22105

    which product of theirs are you using? looks like they have everything from field spray to dude wipes and deodorant.

    Field spray. Sprayed it on my boots and pants and refreshed it up once I got to my stand.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22105

    You will never cover human scent enough. I think it depends on how pressured deer are to have a negative reaction to it. I have seen deer walk right over my ground scent and others freak out. If it gives you more confidence by all means use it.

    It’s no to cover human scent. It’s to jam there nose full of vanilla, something to make them more curious

    Posts: 24658

    It’s to jam there nose full of vanilla, something to make them more curious

    Yes, vanilla not black licorice.

    Posts: 583

    It smells like bear attract to me!

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    Well I bought a spray bottle. Yep you guys talked me into it!! devil rotflol

    We shall see

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1862

    I use it. Can’t really tell if it works. It smells good, though, so I sometimes use it for a car air freshener as well.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3211

    If it smells like vanilla, why not try some water-based cheap vanilla extract sold at dollar stores? Or even some of that Mexican Vanilla that’s water based?

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6736

    If it smells like vanilla, why not try some water-based cheap vanilla extract sold at dollar stores? Or even some of that Mexican Vanilla that’s water based?

    I’m not sure if it smells like vanilla or not, it does smell sweet. It is supposed to be a combination of a lot of scents, and that is part of how it works, to many smells for the deer to figure out what is going on, but not enough of one scent to alarm them.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22105

    If it smells like vanilla, why not try some water-based cheap vanilla extract sold at dollar stores? Or even some of that Mexican Vanilla that’s water based?

    It originated from guys who use vanilla extract on there boots. Supposedly the smell of vanilla is a good smell to deer and makes them more curious rather then timid and spooked

    Full draw
    Posts: 1510

    I have used it off and on since it came on the market.
    It definitely jams deer up. I have had deer down wind. They know I am there but don’t freak out. They eventual just wander off.

    If I have to walk through tall grass I will spray it on my pant legs below my knees. I don’t like to use rubber boots so my pant legs can leave a lot of scent on the grass. It does help if a deer crosses your path. They won’t freak out like they can if you use nothing.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1510

    I hunted a spot yesterday that needs a N to E wind. Well we had a light NNW wind. Luckily for me I. The timber with the terrain my wind checker was drifting to the SSW.
    Anyway I sprayed a bunch of nose jammer on the tree is was in and on sone leaves on a nearby branch.
    There was 2 does and a dawn that came from the NE. The one doe got strait south of me and threw her nose up in the air at 20 yards The other doe wandered to the south to about 60 yards. She came walking back on string to 20 yards south of the tree. She as well put her nose in the air. They milled around within 10 yards of the stand on all sides of it. They eventually walked off in the direction they came from.
    They definitely smelled the nose hammer and had a curious reaction to it.
    I don’t know if they smelled me or not. Or if my wind was even drifting to them or not. They showed no signs that I was there.

    Posts: 1204

    After reading the comments here I picked up a can this weekend. Going to try it out this week with the youth hunt.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22105

    I hunted a spot yesterday that needs a N to E wind. Well we had a light NNW wind. Luckily for me I. The timber with the terrain my wind checker was drifting to the SSW.
    Anyway I sprayed a bunch of nose jammer on the tree is was in and on sone leaves on a nearby branch.
    There was 2 does and a dawn that came from the NE. The one doe got strait south of me and threw her nose up in the air at 20 yards The other doe wandered to the south to about 60 yards. She came walking back on string to 20 yards south of the tree. She as well put her nose in the air. They milled around within 10 yards of the stand on all sides of it. They eventually walked off in the direction they came from.
    They definitely smelled the nose hammer and had a curious reaction to it.
    I don’t know if they smelled me or not. Or if my wind was even drifting to them or not. They showed no signs that I was there.

    Same experience that I had with using nose jammer. She smelled something but it didn’t make her give off a danger signal to the others. She smelled a few times and kept right in the zone. I will be continuing my use of nose jammer.

    Posts: 64

    I don’t know bout you guys. I’ve shot some of my best deer on stand with a smoking cigar clenched in my teeth.
    In my experience sound and motion are much greater repellents than scent.

    As an aside, the most effective blind for me has been a fence of wooden pallets with local grasses stuffed in the gaps.
    I swear they don’t look past the three stalks of grass between me and them.
    I’ve had deer walk up within a dozen feet of my pallet blind. Not even wearing camo, just a carhart jacket and jeans with the required orange.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    almost forgot about this thread….my experience in Minnesota……meh….gotta see deer first. doah doah

    when i was in wisconsin……opening morning i got totally busted…….about a 6 pointer got witin 20 yards of me before i seen it, and kept coming..all of a sudden his nesk stood straight up and his nose was really sniffing the air….it was pretty comical actually. he was down wind of me and never did get that spooked, high alert reaction……….well the rest is in the deer hunting season thread……you know scope is off!!!! whistling doah

    i’ll use it again!!!!!!!!! waytogo waytogo

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22105

    Does it work? I don’t know if it does or doesn’t. I bow hunted with it alot this season. I’ve had deer walk right by at 20 yards on the wrong wind days and not spook. They still seem to wind me if they come up the wrong way, but they don’t seem to be on such high alert. I’ll keep using it when needed.
    As for deer sightings, I guess I’m lucky. I bow hunted all early season and I just sat out again this evening. I have alot of sits under my belt this season. I’ve seen so many deer it’s hard to put a number on it. Just tonight I had 13 in the field. 4 of which were in bow range the others were at 120

    John VanDerLaan
    Posts: 0

    I have used it many times. I’ve witnessed deer cross my entry path to my stand and not even notice, even though I had sprayed Nose Jammer on my boots. I also have had deer come in downwind and not spook. I have a video of a small buck that came in downwind and smelled the Nose Jammer, but it didn’t even phase him. He looked up at me in the tree stand and then proceeded to walk right underneath me, like I wasn’t even there.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22105

    I have used it many times. I’ve witnessed deer cross my entry path to my stand and not even notice, even though I had sprayed Nose Jammer on my boots. I also have had deer come in downwind and not spook. I have a video of a small buck that came in downwind and smelled the Nose Jammer, but it didn’t even phase him. He looked up at me in the tree stand and then proceeded to walk right underneath me, like I wasn’t even there.

    I seen alot of the same this last season. I know I will be using it this coming bow season as well. Wish the season was a little closer

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1862

    Wonder if it works for coyote calling? Those dogs get downwind of you and are gone, do other animals not take threat to the sweet smell of vanilla? Anyone try?

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