Anyone notice them the last few days? We captured this Monday night a little north of Hibbing

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Anyone notice them the last few days? We captured this Monday night a little north of Hibbing
Yes they been pretty awesome! Been awhile since I’ve seen them.
Anyone else catch the northern lights tonight!
Thanks for the heads up! Just stepped out to my deck to enjoy the show and snap a couple pics.
It’s amazing what a coronal hole in the sun can make happen. Pretty cool to see the lights this far south.
Last night was probably the best I’ve ever watched. looking to the North they stretched 180° to the West and East, and all of the way overhead.
I installed this app called “My Aurora Forecast” that notifies me when the chances are high to see them. Its been accurate so far.
Last night was the best aurora show I’ve ever seen in my life. First time I’ve ever been able to see the nights to the north, east, west, and even south at the same time. Felt like I was back in college and ate some special mushrooms.
Same here I looked before going to bed but nothing and now looking at these pics
I am bummed.
” Last night, auroras spread across the United States as far south as New Mexico during a severe (category G4) geomagnetic storm. Some sky watchers also saw a luminous ribbon named “STEVE,” which is not an aurora. “
Just know that those aurora forecasts are incredibly unreliable. Geomagnetic storms are much harder to predict than even the standard weather. Anytime someone tells you the aurora will be out multiple days away, take it with a grain of salt. Any forecast over 24 hours is a shot in the dark
I’ve found the best way to stay on top of alerts is to join a group like “aurora hunters of the Great Lakes” on the book face or something similar. When they’re out, you will know as soon as it’s happening.
Last nights storm was the biggest our planet has seen in SIX years!!
There’s a ranking for them, just like tornadoes and hurricanes.
It was forecasted to be a “2”, and ended up being a “4”
It was the best I’ve seen at my house in 11 years of living there. Usually they are pretty faint and only to the north, but last night they were vivid and shooting around in ribbons of light. They were overhead and even south of me (never seen that before).
I tried waking the boys up, but they were out.
This morning I showed them the pics, and they asked what it was like.
I told them it looked like how music sounds
Nothing last night that I could see from nw wi.checked at 2300 then again at 0200. Fingers crossed for tonight but guessing I missed out.
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