North Star Act

  • OG Net_Man
    Posts: 887

    Evidently Minnesota is not happy with their position on the stupid list and are looking to move up. Our lovely democratic legislation is pushing for Minnesota to become a sanctuary state under a proposed bill called North Star Act.

    Maybe we can be preemptive as ask Governor Abbott to start sending a bunch of illegals up to Minnesota now so we can get further exposure to this chaos. Just think of the additional fun we will have with passing of this bill here if we keep the border open as it is currently.

    Posts: 24976

    There was supposed to be planes flying to St Cloud a couple weekends ago full of illegals that would then be bussed to Mpls, but it was somehow diverted. No idea where it ended up.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18999

    Our schools, healthcare, and housing can’t handle thousands of immigrants. Dumb idea. That’s what happens when you lose an election though. When one side controls both chambers of the legislature and the governors office, not a whole lot can be done. Voting matters.

    Posts: 24976

    But nothing will change in this state because the metro areas decide the results of every meaningful election.

    Posts: 1053

    It seems like the liberals are doing their best to ruin this state and our country. The MN government is as big of an embarrassment as our brain dead president.

    Posts: 1862

    The session hasn’t even started. There isn’t a bill number. I’m not saying this is a good thing but you do realize that most state and local agencies can’t do this already right?

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1944

    What’s your solution, wait until the bill does get written and passed and then complain about it. Democrats 15 years ago are nothing like the radical element that controls the party today.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12740

    But nothing will change in this state because the metro areas decide the results of every meaningful election.

    Ding Ding Ding – There is the overall problem right now. BIG cities are controlling the results of most elections. Take a Look at the results from th last presidential election in almost every state. 90+% of the map is Red. Almost all Major metro area’s are Blue.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4030

    But nothing will change in this state because the metro areas decide the results of every meaningful election.

    Take a Look at the results from th last presidential election in almost every state. 90+% of the map is Red. Almost all Major metro area’s are Blue.

    Voting matters.

    Voting would matter if they were not allowed to buy votes. Metro area controls the outcome.

    1. metro-won.jpg

    Posts: 1862

    What’s your solution, wait until the bill does get written and passed and then complain about it. Democrats 15 years ago are nothing like the radical element that controls the party today.

    Generally my solution is to find what committee the bill is introduced into then contact the highest ranking member that will consider me a constituent. I find out if there is any real chance that they can kill a bill in committee. If they can’t its pretty much over at that point. Only floor amendments can really help from there. This all starts with knowing what a bill is actually called, not its pet name.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    MN has been a santuary state since your guy Wellstone and the Somalis he was bringing in to get votes. A little diversity will just make it a better place.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22973

    We need to start really questioning who we are voting for… who does she represent here ? Stand up and be counted….

    1. tool.jpg

    Posts: 1862

    Swear to god thought this was Janet Reno, and I was like we don’t elect Attorney Generals. Still not entirely convinced it isn’t Reno, she looks all angry like her.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1884

    MN has been a santuary state since your guy Wellstone and the Somalis he was bringing in to get votes. A little diversity will just make it a better place.

    Open up your doors then.

    They’re building large low income apartments in Cambridge like crazy. I wonder who they’re for?

    Posts: 24976

    MN has been a santuary state since your guy Wellstone and the Somalis he was bringing in to get votes. A little diversity will just make it a better place.

    Ah Paul Welfare. REmember him well and not fondly. Dont forget its not just the government that is behind this but the churches too. They give them thousands of dollars for cars and rent when they get here. Need to tax churches so they dont have this excess money.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22351

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>onestout wrote:</div>
    MN has been a santuary state since your guy Wellstone and the Somalis he was bringing in to get votes. A little diversity will just make it a better place.

    Open up your doors then.

    They’re building large low income apartments in Cambridge like crazy. I wonder who they’re for?

    Almost all the apartments going up right now are low income. Half of the big high rises down town all have to have a big percent as section 8. So the top apartments are multi million dollar units and the ones down below are government paid. Not much inbetween for the normal working family. Either you make to much and continue to barley survive or are rich, or the government pays all. The government around here begs for more people to care for so they can look like good people. All while not caring for the rests better good.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3478

    Take a Look at the results from th last presidential election in almost every state. 90+% of the map is Red. Almost all Major metro area’s are Blue.

    Voting would matter if they were not allowed to buy votes. Metro area controls the outcome.

    The maps like you posted are very misleading. Population (i.e. number of votes) controls the outcome. Land doesn’t vote. What it comes down to is there just aren’t that many people living in many of the red areas on your map.

    Maps that display the number of votes [and not land acreage] are much more representative of the results

    1. 2024-02-09_14-10-09.png

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4030

    ^ That map looks the same as the welfare map if you remove the red. Yes more populated areas will have more on welfare. That is simple math. People who don’t want to get off welfare seem to vote in favor for more handouts.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12641

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Rodwork wrote:</div>
    Voting would matter if they were not allowed to buy votes. Metro area controls the outcome.

    The maps like you posted are very misleading. Population (i.e. number of votes) controls the outcome. Land doesn’t vote. What it comes down to is there just aren’t that many people living in many of the red areas on your map.

    Maps that display the number of votes [and not land acreage] are much more representative of the results

    I always get a kick out of this argument. As your map shows, screw the Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, and Alaska right!?! Or in MN the Land of Rocks and Cows. Thank God we are a Constitutional Republic! It doesn’t help statewide elections like Governor, where Walz lost the state by 200k+ votes except for Hennepin and Ramsey Counties where he won by 400k+ votes. But it should help in splitting the house and senate, and has historically been one of the best things about MN, being a purple state.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3478

    The electoral college was created to address that exact problem. As you eluded to, that does not solve the problem with governor elections. If it wasn’t for the electoral college, presidential hopefuls wouldn’t have to campaign in many states. They’d just focus on the big population areas.

    I always get a kick out of this argument.

    also, I don’t think its an argument. Thats just how it works. Land doesn’t vote, people do.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4121

    I always get a kick out of this argument. As your map shows, screw the Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, and Alaska right!?!

    You could also make the argument that citizens of those states get more Senate representation per capita than anywhere else as where.

    Both points are accurate, as a result of the electoral college.

    Becker MN
    Posts: 1028

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>onestout wrote:</div>
    MN has been a santuary state since your guy Wellstone and the Somalis he was bringing in to get votes. A little diversity will just make it a better place.

    Open up your doors then.

    They’re building large low income apartments in Cambridge like crazy. I wonder who they’re for?

    They’re for the ‘Undocumented Americans’ as categorized by the Dems…

    Posts: 24976

    The electoral college was created to address that exact problem. As you eluded to, that does not solve the problem with governor elections. If it wasn’t for the electoral college, presidential hopefuls wouldn’t have to campaign in many states. They’d just focus on the big population areas.

    Yep, thank goodness we have the electoral college for presidential elections, but we are screwed at the state level.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12740

    Dont forget its not just the government that is behind this but the churches too. They give them thousands of dollars for cars and rent when they get here

    Most Church’s are not giving them Crap. They simply state they will support them once here. Then when they arrive the simply dump them on the State. They may give them help with signing up for various so called free money though.

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