Don’t share your ideas to discuss. Epic failure. She schedules 1 weekend a month, and tells you nothing. You just go with it. Then next month, you schedule and she just goes along. Obviously, you try to plan around her interest, not your own. After a couple times, its amazing the new ideas you come up with.
This is a great twist on this whole thing. Thanks for the idea Randy!
She claims it was a total accident because she’s just a girl and has never shot guns. The fact that she happened to take out the biggest tool in their software group and the only man that still in 2005 thought it was ok to tell “dumb woman” jokes in the office made her something of a folk hero. It might have been just that she shot the jackass, but the shot placement really sealed the deal.
He had to be hauled off by ambulance. There was no permanent damage, but apparently, there was some painful bruising that lasted about 2 weeks.
I love this. Way to go Mrs. Grouse!