No need to comment…just a good read.

  • Ripjiggen
    Posts: 13088

    No need to comment really. Maybe just a ? posted for those that took the time to read it and think for even just one minute. I think it is powerful statement on either side of the coin. This was posted earlier and maybe some missed seeing it. It made me think out loud to myself in the boat this afternoon and reflect a little bit. I truly do not want this thread to start a debate, but hope it is read by many. If you are going to take the time to click on it take the time to read it fully. I am not one to get into political, racial, etc arguments on IDO to often. This post has just been on my mind all day. Again to the original poster I sincerely want to say thank you. A simple ? mark is all that needs to be stated as in you read it all and thought about it and maybe just for a second put you in his shoes for one minute.

    Duluth Police Local 807
    “I am going to share like I have never before. I am going to do so because so many people truly have no idea. This story is not an anomaly and happens across this country day in and day out. All I ask is that you pause and read what it is truly like out here in the real world. Not how the media spins it or some keyboard warrior tweets about a world they do not live in and know nothing about.
    Last night my world and my entire family’s world almost changed forever. I almost shot an “unarmed black man.” My partner got on the radio and told us a shooting was happening right in front of her very eyes. Shot after shot rang out in our community we have sworn to protect. 17 shots in all were fired and now people were fleeing everywhere. My partners all went towards the gun shots, no race was said, no thought of our own safety was contemplated. We went because that is what we are called to do. We must help our community no matter who is in danger and no matter the risk. My partners found two of the suspects, and I rushed to help them as they are yelling they are not complying and now they are fighting. Where are the guns used? Do they have them? Are they going to try and kill my partners? All thoughts as I pull up and see my partners on the ground fighting with one male, a black man. Another black man is near them and turns to run as i approach. My partners yell “stop him.”
    I yell for him to stop and he turns and runs. Where is the gun? Does he still have it? Is he going to shoot me? My partners? Is he and innocent person just out for a walk? I give chase, he continues to run around a corner. Is he going to ambush me when I turn the corner? Where is the gun? My partners are yelling for more officers. The male keeps running until I and my partner gain ground on him and he stops. “Get your hands in the air!” He does not. “Get on the ground!” He does not. Where is the gun?!!!!! He turns his back hiding his hands from us, still not listening to commands. Where is the gun?!!!! I level my pistol at him. I put my finger on the trigger. Is this it? Is he going to shoot us? Am i going to have to shoot this man to save myself and others??? Will my wife wake up a widow, will my children no longer have their father? Is our community going to change forever because of me? Will everything burn only because we want to help? Because we want to live and not die? Because we don’t want to see innocent people in our community die. All of this in about 1/2 a second… My partner attempts to tackle him and now we fight because he is still not listening. I almost shot an “unarmed black man.” Why was he unarmed? Because (unknown to me at the time) when he ran and turned the corner in front of me, he threw the stolen gun he was carrying in the bushes.
    When the dust settled officers had cuts and bruises and two multi convicted felons went to jail unharmed, but it was only 1/16 of a squeeze from changing our world forever. All of this while you slept comfortably in your homes, safe from the wolves who roam our streets. You will not hear this story on the news. No one will call national attention to it. No one will say anything about this night. We simply just dust ourselves off, make sure each of us is ok and go on to the next call. This is what happens all across this country more often than you could ever imagine, but we are racist, we have to change. There must be accountability. Police must be defunded. Each and every day we dust each other off, make sure we are ok and go out into our communities and do the right thing. As the media, professional athletes, politicians, and social media warriors bash us day in and day out. Our promise to you as officers each day is that we will dust each other off, make sure we are ok, and go out into our community and die trying to make sure you are safe while you sleep in peace at night. I almost shot an “unarmed black man” last night. I challenge anyone to get out of your comfort zone and ride with us. Take a day in our shoes and see what it is really like. The truth, the unedited truth. We ask for nothing in return other than allowing the truth to come out. Wait for the facts. Stop destroying us before we even have a chance! Stop pushing the false narrative. Stand with us, help us! We are not heroes, we are men and women who just want to do the right thing.”

    Written by a Duluth Police Sergeant

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11138

    Thank you Duluth Police Seargent for what you do and have to deal with.
    It sure is a messed up world we live in.

    Posts: 2872

    Read it.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Don’t tell me I can’t comment on something. Especially after I had a few *burp*

    Grand rapids mn
    Posts: 1222


    Posts: 6712

    ? waytogo

    When the .5 % of bad people in this world (criminals, thugs, rapists, etc) start acting like a normal human being, I’ll be 100% for de-funding and disarming the force.

    Until that day happens I will back the Blue line. We NEED them

    Thank you to all officers both current and retired. Your job may seem ungrateful, but I promise you it is not.

    99.5% of us rely on you

    SE MN
    Posts: 5249

    stop commenting!!!!!

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13093


    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3246

    ?! applause

    Posts: 264


    1. EgkERXgXgAAqW4I.jpeg

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17536

    That letter has been passed around more then a Joint at a Grateful Dead concert.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13093

    That letter has been passed around more then a Joint at a Grateful Dead concert.

    and you know that how??? grin jester

    Posts: 1726

    Suppressing speech from either side is out of line. That’s what’s done in China, Canada and many other countries. The first amendment stands up to that tyranny which is why so many want to tear it up and burn it down.

    God Bless all First Responders! Their nature to advance towards chaos and danger benefits all people of good will.

    Mesa AZ
    Posts: 178

    Read it…

    Up Nort’
    Posts: 303


    Chief Tusken responds to viral “I almost shot an unarmed black man” Facebook post

    Updated: August 29, 2020 11:08 AM

    Following a Wednesday night shooting that led to two arrests, Duluth Police Chief Mike Tusken shared a Facebook post written by an officer involved in the incident.

    In the post, the officer wrote, “Last night my world and my entire family’s world almost changed forever. I almost shot an ‘unarmed black man.'”

    From here, the officer explains his recollection of the incident.

    Chief Tusken responds to viral “I almost shot an unarmed black man” Facebook post
    The post has since been shared on Facebook over 75,000 times. It has received both positive and negative feedback from the community.

    On Saturday, Duluth Police Chief Mike Tusken wrote a follow-up Facebook post about his motivation for sharing the officer’s post.

    Tusken wrote, “In sharing this post, I did so from the perspective of sharing the struggles officers face that is seldom seen.”

    Tusken acknowledged he had received messages from members of the community, including communities of color whose “lived experience with police is one that is guarded to trust and rooted in experiencing historical trauma at the hands of police from past and present.” But, Tusken said he had no intention of making anyone feel any less safe by sharing the post.

    “This department has a long history of working in the community to build relationships and we cherish them. As the leader, it was not my intention to cause further hurt and traumatize community members and I am deeply sorry my actions were insensitive and hurtful,” Tusken said.

    This comes after police reported that an officer witnessed multiple shots fired from two vehicles around 2:20 a.m. in the area of 2nd Ave. E on Wednesday. The vehicles then fled the scene.

    The officer provided vehicle descriptions to other responding officers, who were able to locate one vehicle on the 100 block of W 3rd St.

    Police say two suspects got out of the vehicle and did not respond to officers’ commands.

    According to police, a 32-year-old man ran away on foot but was later arrested. A 30-year-old man was arrested after resisting officers.

    Police say they located evidence of a shooting at the location of the original report.

    The Duluth Police Department Violent Crimes Unit is actively investigating this case and say they will provide more information later.

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