No longer surprised on how stupid people can be (hunting)

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13758

    Well, I guess it’s inevitable that the games shall commence. Guy that helps me out a lot at my farm bought a redneck blind and we have it set up. Put in a new 2.5 acre plot and a great view along my tree planting. Anyways, as we stand it up and go in the check out the view, I noticed limbs cut back 2 spots all ng my woods. Walk over and sure enough treestands hanging about 25feet up with shooting lanes cut to the plot.

    Bow season starts next week. For me, can only wonder if this is the start of the stupidity crap. Needless to say, someone is already out of 2 stands and I bought more cheap cameras to capture what I can. But it’s gut wrenching to know my buddy just dropped 4k on his blind and we fear it’s going to get vandalized on my own property

    1. 19593DF7-D310-4B6F-A845-84EFD9E473CE.jpeg

    Posts: 3319

    I would be in that blind every possible minute to catch the dirt bag. devil Have the Sheriffs office on speed dial. Trespassing and property damage tickets to whomever shows up. wave

    Posts: 2747

    I feel for you Randy.That is just blatantly wrong.
    I hope you get justice\revenge one way or another.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1065

    I was out checking trail cameras last night at the farm I hunt, and there were boot tracks all over the place as well. I ended up finding two cameras had the card doors left open, pics deleted, and cameras turned off. Last year I got pics of two guys setting up a ladder stand, and they were basically clear cutting 20 yards all the way around the tree when thankfully they realized they were on camera and took everything down. I had some great pics of the guys with a look of panic on their faces when they noticed the camera that captured everything they did, ha!

    Needless to say I feel your pain Randy. This type of behavior is extremely frustrating. Last December I even had a person drive in the field road, across the farmers field, and he parked his truck 40 yards from my blind. When I confronted him his excuse was he didn’t see the posted signs, but he had taken down the rope, with a posted sign hanging on it, that blocks the field road. To top it off he even put the rope back up presumably so people wouldn’t know someone was in there. He even had the balls to ask if he could stay and hunt the rest of the night after all that…

    Hopefully things turn around for you Randy!

    Rogers, MN
    Posts: 1160

    Look for restitution as well if you catch the dirtbags. Damage to trees is expensive.

    Posts: 4791

    man it seems like you have this type of stuff happen every year chased

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18376

    Wow that is just downright ridiculous. I hunt on private property every season that isn’t my own for deer, turkeys, and pheasants. I wouldn’t dare go out there without seeking permission first.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3028

    Im not sure how people are that bold. I get nervous just getting close to the public/private boarders walking to spots. Wont even hunt within a few hundred yards of a private boarder either. Maybe its just how people are raised.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12201

    Randy the fact you have to deal with this stuff yearly is beyond ridiculous. Upgrade to cell cams, I’ll even chip in to help catch these asshats.

    jeff becker
    Posts: 41

    I used to hunt in northwestern Wi on a farmers land. I was the only person allowed on the land and he had the perimeter of all his land posted. He had a field that had a small driveway opening with a fence across it that clearly stated no trespassing on it. The second day of deer hunting came and the fence was down and a truck was blocking the entrance. Instead of looking for the person or calling the police he got his tractor and manure spreader and filled the pickup truck completely full of sh$t. I sure would of like to see the look on the trespassers face when he came out of the woods. Karma!!!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13758

    Randy the fact you have to deal with this stuff yearly is beyond ridiculous. Upgrade to cell cams, I’ll even chip in to help catch these asshats.

    I tried and no go. Too far of the grid for service. I need to get about 40 feet higher or cams that will link together and get me about 1200 feet closer to my barn.

    Yes, this is an annual pain in the azz. Been through sheriffs, game warden… they want to be helpful but can’t sit 24/7 for a week. I have a few trail cam pics but nothing disgusting. Definitely playing the week day game and knows the activities around here. Someone local to here.
    Like all idiots, they will make mistakes. 1st was pissing me off. Added a car alarm to the redneck today. Doesn’t take much to trigger the siren. Also added some more cameras

    Posts: 1902

    Deer huntings so full of drama anymore . Bought a boat got serious with fishing and hunting coyotes and hunting out west on public . Haven’t looked at it the same since .

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8693

    Deer huntings so full of drama anymore . Bought a boat got serious with fishing and hunting coyotes and hunting out west on public . Haven’t looked at it the same since .

    I am kind of in the same boat…pun intended.

    Deer just don’t do it for me anymore. With cell cameras, all the shows and hoopala, outfitters all around us and so on…it’s not the same. If I could have the old timers back and our camp of 20 guys driving and moving deer nonstop I’d trade in every shoulder mount in a heartbeat.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    It’s happened to me…neighbor would hang a stand 10’ from the line and cut lanes into my field. Nailed a tarp across the trees on my side. Stand disappeared shortly after.

    Confronted him about it a few years later and he completely denied it.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13758

    Deer huntings so full of drama anymore . Bought a boat got serious with fishing and hunting coyotes and hunting out west on public . Haven’t looked at it the same since .

    I really don’t give a crap about shooting any Whitetail anymore. It’s some meat in the freezer and that’s about it. The core of my issue with people is that I am 30 years invested into my farm and I have created an environment that gives back. It’s so rewarding now to be able to sit out with kids, friends, or whoever and just watch all the wildlife. For anyone hunting the public land next to me I am truly happy for him when they take a mature deer. But the fact of wasting deer stealing my stands leaving dead deer on my property stealing cameras is total BS. Now I have some jack wad cutting limbs so he can shoot into my field? And I’m sure the monkeybutt has no idea where I might be sitting at.

    I’ll take a week of elk hunting or chasing antelope any given time. The people I do encounter are usually great but to be this far invested into my own property shouldn’t I be able to enjoy it without these kind of idiots

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1866

    Deer… they don’t taste good, unless you cut them with a majority of pork. Guys get caught up in horn hunting, this ruins things for everyone. I know wealthy guys who have bought nice hunting land only to keep the shoulder mount and toss the remains to a food shelf. Not my cup of tea.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18376

    Deer… they don’t taste good, unless you cut them with a majority of pork. Guys get caught up in horn hunting, this ruins things for everyone. I know wealthy guys who have bought nice hunting land only to keep the shoulder mount and toss the remains to a food shelf. Not my cup of tea.

    That seems to be a pretty self centered, broad statement. I’ve hunted deer for almost 30 years now and I’m after horns every year. I haven’t ruined it for anyone else and I’m definitely not wealthy. I don’t even use trail cameras or food plots either. I do it the old fashioned way. I sit there and wait for the entire 9 day season! Most of the time every day, all day.

    When I shoot a nice buck, I keep the horns and donate the meat to a friend or a donation program. I’d rather shoot a corn fed doe or fawn for the freezer. Even when I don’t shoot a deer at all, the time I spend in my stand is very peaceful and stress reducing. There’s no work, traffic, annoying kids, household chores, etc to attend to.

    As for people trespassing and wounding deer in Randy’s case, this is something he’s posted about for years. I don’t know of any other situation this bad, anywhere. As I previously posted, I never even consider going on someone else’s land without permission.

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 1147

    Can’t wait until you get the “well we thought we were on public”…..yeah, that nice manicured food plot just happened to be on public property.

    Trespassers absolutely gall me. Back in the day before all the phone apps were a thing we would occasionally get someone who would wander onto our farm from the adjoining public land, and in most cases they were sincere, apologized, and went back the way we showed them. Now its so easy to gain access to good plat data that there really is no excuse anymore.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6609

    Randy I will be the first to sign up for my shift waiting for the azz hats to show up so they can learn some tough life lessons. Let me know when to show up!

    Posts: 4169

    Hook an electric fencer to the stand. Just make sure your buddy remembers to turn it off.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13758

    Next weekend should be quite entertaining. We put the most amount of security effort in that I have ever done. Thanks to my buddy Sheldon being funny, we found something that can spray fox urine when tripped. Took a couple vacation days to have some fun.

    Posts: 23964

    Next weekend should be quite entertaining. We put the most amount of security effort in that I have ever done. Thanks to my buddy Sheldon being funny, we found something that can spray fox urine when tripped. Took a couple vacation days to have some fun.

    Make sure to have a camera nearby to film it! LOL this will be good.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 3991

    This sucks that you always have to deal with this. Post a note on their stand stating they are on private property, they are not allowed to hunt there, and must remove their stand. Cover it with packaging tape so it can get wet, secure it to their stand so it can’t come off, and take a picture of it. It is too easy to figure out where you can hunt today if you care. That is the biggest problem. These people don’t care. I hope you catch them and give them a reason to care.

    Posts: 23964

    It is too easy to figure out where you can hunt today if you care.

    Yeah, I am pretty sure every county in the US has interactive maps showing land ownership via the GIS information. Also, get the OnXHunt app. That is invaluable.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1745

    Hunt areas that are difficult to get to. My stand has been up on public land for the past 3 years and nobody has touched it… but it’s a real nightmare to get to. I did that on purpose.

    Edit: sorry not dirtected at Randy but at the drama guys. Trust me I feel your pain on the drama which is why I now do it the way I do

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 10831

    Next weekend should be quite entertaining. We put the most amount of security effort in that I have ever done. Thanks to my buddy Sheldon being funny, we found something that can spray fox urine when tripped. Took a couple vacation days to have some fun.

    LOL –
    I B 1 has a million of those ideas.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13758

    Been thinking about this a lot. I’m super pizzed at the few scum bags. I harbor no bad will with the majority on public. Heck, few years ago I dumped a buck that went down hill and dropped in front of a guy. I hated like hell to screw up his hunt. He saw me at my dense line and yelled for me to come down. After a couple minute conversation, the literally drug my deer up hill a hundred yrds on about a 15-20%grade. There are great people out there. I’m just sick of the dirt bags that do stupid crap. They ruin it for all

    Richland County, WI
    Posts: 705

    Contact the Sheriff’s Department about the property damage and trespassing
    I don’t know if it will do any good to contact the DNR to complain about the problem VPA users that did the damage but it might be worth a try. According to the county’s web site the wardens phone number is 608 604 0280

    Posts: 4169

    About 12 years ago a tile broke on a crappy part of my dads land and i convinced him to just let it grow for the animals. It was like 11 acres. Not a bunch but the way it laid between 2 other small woods it did a lot. Nothing special grew there but willows and sumac. After leaving it alone for like 3 years it was pretty grown and actually kept alot of deer in the area. First time dad went back there after 3 or four years he said it was beat down with people tracks and full of cigarete butts. Its as far away from his house as you can get so he could never see what was happening back there. He was not happy and the next year it was tiled and farm land again. Cant imagine how bad it sucks after making your land what it is for so long and dealing with that crap after seeing how upset he was after just a few years and letting something grow wild.

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