No boat for now

  • Don Laessig
    Posts: 5

    Hi, recently moved back to WI Spooner. My question is, anywhere to fish from shore or pier location in the Bay Area or tributaries? Thanks for any advice.
    I am retired so most any time will work. Thanks again

    Kirk Charipar
    west central wi
    Posts: 199

    What or where do you mean by Bay Area? I think Spooner Lake has a public fishing dock, or Hayward? It’s been awhile since I’ve been to either

    Don Laessig
    Posts: 5

    What I meant was the Chequamegon bay. I hope this helps… thanks

    critterhouse 75
    western wisconsin
    Posts: 41

    Get a pair of waders and a few Little Cleos and fish the river mouths such as the Souix and Onion Rivers after Labor day. Coho and browns stage and enter the rivers. Can be alot of fun and simple. I believe Ashland has some shore fishing opportunities and I believe the Chamber Of Commerce has a brochure on that. Have fun.

    Don Laessig
    Posts: 5

    Thanks, good suggestions. I appreciate it

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5977

    Read the header, sad enough, now you are also living in Wisconsin?
    Can we start a ‘go fund me’? Actually we just got back from millwakee, beautiful state. Good Luck

    Don Laessig
    Posts: 5

    Sure, you start it! Ha ha ha, but seriously, I am looking forward to all of the great fishing opportunities around here.

    Always looking for new fishing buddies

    I am retired, so most days during the week would work.

    Minocqua, WI
    Posts: 1727

    Don’t forget the hot pond in Ashland, Bono creek in the s-corner also. There is also some fantastic trout/SMB stream fishing too, including the Namekagon…


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