NMEA connection form Garmin 126SV to Yamaha F175

  • HMoshier
    Posts: 122

    Looking at adding a NMEA network to my boat. I’ve searched the web but can’t seem to find exactly what I need. I know I need a Yamaha cable (not sure it the motor has one already or where it would be routed in my MX1825) and a Garmin cable. But what is needed in-between? This there a “black box” or only a “T”?

    Does the Garmin get power from the network? I currently have it powered by a separate 14vdc lithium. If the motor is powered by a starting battery, can I use still the 14vdc lithium to power the Garmin or will that cause issues? (I’m thinking, yeah, it will)

    First time looking into this and I don’t want to fry anything in the process.

    Posts: 3239

    Under the cowling you will see a white block connector with either a white cap on the block or a wire with block attached to it.

    I’d start there.

    Posts: 332

    Pretty simple. Nmea starter kit with the Yamaha Garmin interface (j1939?) cable. No “black box” it’s just the nmea “t’s”. The hardest part is running the wires through to the engine….

    Posts: 122

    Thanks for the info. I uncovered the boat today to look at the motor connection. Seems straight forward but running the wire from the motor thru the loom will be a pain. Ordered a Garmin start kit and a motor cable with a tee.

    I’ve got to do a service on the motor so I’ll try to wrap all of that up and the install on a weekend soon. Going to have to undo stuff as I have all three Garmin units on a 14.8v lithium. Read up on the voltage issues that will cause so I’ve got to rewire the 126 to the starter battery.

    Posts: 3239

    It’s a small diameter wire. Shouldn’t be a problem finding a spot through the Yamaha grommet.

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