NGK LFR5A-11 spark plugs

  • Norsky
    Posts: 180

    I found four spark plugs in my cupboard after I had sold my boat, this is from a Yamaha F90 outboard, $15 for all 4, brand new, never used. I’m in Savage

    1. E2951572-F1D6-4143-8E31-4E9FB9BEEF02-scaled.jpeg

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11112

    Are those the heavy ones?

    Posts: 180

    Not sure, I didn’t know there were heavy ones or regular ones???

    Posts: 4802

    if those are the heavy ones those were banned back in 2007. i wouldnt want to be caught using them now days

    Posts: 24899

    if those are the heavy ones those were banned back in 2007. i wouldnt want to be caught using them now days

    banned? for what reason?

    Posts: 1285

    I never heard of a spark plug being banned before, I bet it going to be one dandy of a reason.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11112

    if those are the heavy ones those were banned back in 2007. i wouldnt want to be caught using them now days

    I know but I get +500 rpms and an additional 6mph with the heavy ones.

    Posts: 4802

    I know but I get +500 rpms and an additional 6mph with the heavy ones.

    Yea most people don’t know about them. For $15 you should buy them just to keep on the shelf for spares. There pretty rare to find now days

    Posts: 24899

    Yea most people don’t know about them. For $15 you should buy them just to keep on the shelf for spares. There pretty rare to find now days

    Can you explain why they are banned? Seems perplexing to me. I did some interweb surfing and couldnt find anything about it.

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1309

    I call BS jester

    Posts: 3936

    They were banned because Merc found out they would make a 9.9 run like a 15. Hp.
    JK,they do fit several small Merc 4 strokes though.

    Posts: 4802

    As eelpout mentioned, the heavy plugs improved performance which led to people burning down engines. The engine manufactures did not like the heavy plugs because they were having to replace more parts under warranty and eventually got them banned

    Posts: 3319

    Do they come with a box fan? Asking for a friend. whistling

    Posts: 3457

    Are they past their “Best used by date”? (sarcasm) jester
    Good price though, save about 50%.

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