As far as the game goes, my son is graduating in May and starts his first “adult” job in Kansas City (Lenexa technically) in June, so I’ll root for the Chiefs just on that basis.
For the more important food and beverage choices, I’m going with a 3# sirloin moose roast with carrots, taters and onions in the crock pot. FIL got it in NewFoundland this fall and its been tasty. Some Usingers salami and sausage with cheese and crackers for app’s along with some smoked salmon and pickled herring.
For beverages gonna start with Bloody’s (kinda like the Zing Zang Jimmy Pickle mix lately) with Castle Cream ale chasers, and then make up a batch or 2 of Hurricanes. Then I’m gonna call in sick for work on Monday with the rest of America (JK)