NFL Officiating

  • nailswi
    Waunakee, WI
    Posts: 165

    Tonight’s AFC championship game should put to rest that Aaron Rodgers is the only one who gets the calls in his favor. The call for roughing the passer against the Chiefs was the worst I have ever seen. Never even touched Brady’s shoulder pads much less his helmet.

    Then the non call in the Saints game?????????? Explain that one to me.

    St Paul
    Posts: 1170

    But that doesnt fit their “Erin rogers” narrative. Good luck with getting that one to stick!

    Absolute insane non-call in the Saints game. NFL sure wanted an LA team in the super bowl, which makes sense. Wish I would have thought about that before I bet on the Saints..

    Posts: 1811

    rigged, i say rigged,

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I was happy to see Payton take his. He’s got nothing to harp about.

    The Pats/Chiefs game was a game. I had no preference in it and thought that except for a couple calls, the roughing included, the game was pretty evenly matched. That Mahomes kid can throw a ball and next year he’s going to be a problem for a lot of teams.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I’ve lost interest in “pro” sports quite awhile ago, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
    However, from the far outside looking in I see a few things that hard-core fans may look past. Human error. Its been part of the game since inception and will always be part of it. Just like spotting the ball. A ref takes his/her best guess at where a ball is down at out goes out of bounds, but yet an exact measurement can be used with a chain. Why haven’t they installed GPS sensors in the ball yet??

    Corner judges, line Ref,…. whatever…all have certain players or points on the field that they look at. Humans don’t see 360 degrees and still need to guess at what they saw. It definitely sucks when a blown call can determine a game and with the millions of dollars at stake, people can get pissy real quick.
    My favorite comment on penalties and blown calls was said to me by the late Coach Dave McClain “Doesn’t F’n matter, a great team will stop them from scoring and will put up more points. If the score is that close, you didn’t work hard enough”

    Posts: 0

    Keep in mind, they make calls in real time without the benifit of 32 slow motion videos after the fact. Yep, they blew a few, but also the players blew a few opportunities too. I saw a couple of overthrows on sure tds. It is what it is. Entertaining.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 1678

    Why Payton had them throw the ball in that situation was stupid anyways, he deserves that result.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    Every team get’s some god calls and every team get’s some bad calls.
    That’s the beauty of it.

    I have a hard time believing any calls are that calculated that it could alter the outcome.

    Posts: 4941

    I was happy to see Payton take his. He’s got nothing to harp about.

    yea, I don’t believe in that shite either, but it could not happen to more deserving S.O.B

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    Every team get’s some god calls and every team get’s some bad calls.
    That’s the beauty of it.

    I have a hard time believing any calls are that calculated that it could alter the outcome.

    It’s just harder to swallow when it does directly affect the outcome. Two obvious bad calls changed the winners and losers yesterday.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12258

    The NFL’s overtime setup is the dumbest overtime of any professional sport on Earth. How can the NFL front office not see how monumentally stupid it is to be the only professional sport on Earth that has overtime that does not allow one of the two teams to actually play offense?

    To further show what a bunch of retreads the NFL management is, there’s actually a CLOCK in overtime! Now how stupid is that? You’re in OT in a playoff game. What are you going to do if the clock runs out and it’s still not settled? Call it a tie?

    It is absolutely ridiculous to have an overtime that grants possession based on a coin toss and then has a sudden death rule where the team the loses the coin toss may never get to touch the ball. Dumb, dumb, dumb.


    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5727

    It might be difficult to believe it’s rigged, but then again I doubt the NFL is disappointed that the super bowl has a major east coast media center with a billion people playing a major west coast media center with a billion people. The last thing they would want two midwest teams, like Green Bay versus the Chiefs. When in doubt, follow the money.

    And I agree with Grouse, the OT setup isn’t great.


    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    The NFL’s overtime setup is the dumbest overtime of any professional sport on Earth. How can the NFL front office not see how monumentally stupid it is to be the only professional sport on Earth that has overtime that does not allow one of the two teams to actually play offense?

    To further show what a bunch of retreads the NFL management is, there’s actually a CLOCK in overtime! Now how stupid is that? You’re in OT in a playoff game. What are you going to do if the clock runs out and it’s still not settled? Call it a tie?

    It is absolutely ridiculous to have an overtime that grants possession based on a coin toss and then has a sudden death rule where the team the loses the coin toss may never get to touch the ball. Dumb, dumb, dumb.


    if ya listened to the officals for the coin flip at the beginning of OT, they said they would play 15 minute periods till a winner was declared. a tie will not occur in the playoffs in football.

    oh and hockey has the sudden death thing going to, just saying.

    on the brighter side……….i seen where an optomitrist, eye doctor, in louisiana is offering free eye exams for all NFL officials!!!! hah hah rotflol rotflol

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12258

    oh and hockey has the sudden death thing going to, just saying.

    No comparison can be made with any other sport because of the nature of offensive possession in football. It is highly unlikely in hockey and all other major professional sports that the team that first gains possession would score without ever giving up possession even once to the opposing team. Yes, yes, I know it HAS happened, but not nearly as often as it happens in the NFL.


    Posts: 1296

    I have no problem with the overtime. It’s better then how it was a couple years ago.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>glenn57 wrote:</div>
    oh and hockey has the sudden death thing going to, just saying.

    No comparison can be made with any other sport because of the nature of offensive possession in football. It is highly unlikely in hockey and all other major professional sports that the team that first gains possession would score without ever giving up possession even once to the opposing team. Yes, yes, I know it HAS happened, but not nearly as often as it happens in the NFL.


    i agree no issue there but you did say……

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1751

    There has to be a way to review these bad calls. The game has to evolve.With teams being so closely matched and the outcomes comes down to a few plays either way, its very disappointing to watch.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 1678

    There has to be a way to review these bad calls. The game has to evolve.With teams being so closely matched and the outcomes comes down to a few plays either way, its very disappointing to watch.

    This is just an extremely slippery slope with football though. On every play there are 22 players who could potentially commit a penalty. Are you going to video review any potential holding call between the O and D lines? Just receivers/defenders? The game could just grind to a halt.

    The NFL’s overtime setup is the dumbest overtime of any professional sport on Earth. How can the NFL front office not see how monumentally stupid it is to be the only professional sport on Earth that has overtime that does not allow one of the two teams to actually play offense?

    To further show what a bunch of retreads the NFL management is, there’s actually a CLOCK in overtime! Now how stupid is that? You’re in OT in a playoff game. What are you going to do if the clock runs out and it’s still not settled? Call it a tie?

    It is absolutely ridiculous to have an overtime that grants possession based on a coin toss and then has a sudden death rule where the team the loses the coin toss may never get to touch the ball. Dumb, dumb, dumb.


    I completely agree. I get not doing it in the regular season, they want to limit injuries and stuff, yadda yadda. But in the playoffs? It should not be luck that gives a team a super bowl berth.

    I’d love if they just did what college does. Or, even if they did equal posessions and started at the 50, or on ‘your own’ 25. Just give both teams an equal chance.

    Posts: 4941

    I’d love if they just did what college does. Or, even if they did equal posessions and started at the 50, or on ‘your own’ 25. Just give both teams an equal chance.

    Each team should get one equal posession at scoring, if the score is tied after each of those possesions,then they should go to next team scoring wins.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    That would work out just fine, and be fair as well.

    Posts: 346

    The no face mask call on Goff was just a much of a game changer. Might not have even gotten to a chance for the Saint try of TD.

    And if the Vikes/Saints game there were at least three flagrant hits on Farve that weren’t called. Payton should have been thrown out of the league, not just given a one hear suspension. Couldn’t happen to better team.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1507

    Saints head coach deserves it and got it…2 years in a row I might add !!

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4547

    I was fine with the outcomes. Previous drive facemask was missed at the goal line on Goff that would have sealed the game too. If I recall, zero penalties called on NO in the entire first half. They were, in general, holding onto their flags that entire game.

    Also, the coach and team of “targetgate” shouldn’t complain about missed calls. It was so bad that they suspended him for an entire season and goes against everything sports should be. I would have been OK with a lifetime ban for telling the whole team to intentionally injure a player/team that you can’t beat on the field.

    Regarding overtime, it is what it is. People know the rule, it is better than winning with FG. Nothing I have heard would really be better. I hate hockey or other sports where OT is essentially a different game.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    This is just an extremely slippery slope with football though. On every play there are 22 players who could potentially commit a penalty. Are you going to video review any potential holding call between the O and D lines? Just receivers/defenders? The game could just grind to a halt.

    Agreed. I blame the NFL and their rules more than the officials, they can call everything by the book and the game is unwatchable, or swallow the whistles and you get what happened in the Saints/Rams game. As for OT in the Playoffs it should just be another quarter of play and whoever’s up at the end of the quarter wins, if it’s still tied possession switches to the team that lost the toss for the next quarter. Play until you have a winner, simple.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 1678

    Regarding overtime, it is what it is. People know the rule, it is better than winning with FG. Nothing I have heard would really be better. I hate hockey or other sports where OT is essentially a different game.

    With the way the game is going on offense, do you really think a ‘whoever wins the coin toss has a huge advantage’ is a great system?

    I don’t think there is a good argument against giving each team equal chance, for playoff games only. I can’t imagine the players/coaches like everything coming down to a coin flip.

    The current system is better than it was, but this isn’t a complex problem to solve. It’s not the ‘how do we stop players from dying at 55 from brain trauma’ problem. Let each team get the ball on their own 25 and see who is winning after those possessions.

    There have been seventeen NFL playoff games which have gone to overtime since 1971, SEVENTEEN, TOTAL.

    There is few situations more rare or dramatic in sports, why let the coin toss have such a big impact on the result? It makes no sense whatsoever.

    Posts: 1806

    Would people be complaining about the OT rules had the Chiefs won the toss and scored a TD, instead of the Patriots? I’d assume not much.

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3216

    I would go out on a limb and say the majority of games would have a different outcome had 3-5 penalty calls been made, or not made. How many calls went the Saints way this season, or just in post season that helped them get that far?
    I watched the bounty game back last night, never in a million years should Payton have gotten his job back. And without the phantom PI call on Leiber late in the 4th quarter, Saints probably don’t go to the Bowl in 09. So, goes around comes around. My 2 cents. Fish are biting anyways!

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4547

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>DaveB wrote:</div>
    Regarding overtime, it is what it is. People know the rule, it is better than winning with FG. Nothing I have heard would really be better. I hate hockey or other sports where OT is essentially a different game.

    With the way the game is going on offense, do you really think a ‘whoever wins the coin toss has a huge advantage’ is a great system?

    I don’t think there is a good argument against giving each team equal chance, for playoff games only. I can’t imagine the players/coaches like everything coming down to a coin flip.

    The current system is better than it was, but this isn’t a complex problem to solve. It’s not the ‘how do we stop players from dying at 55 from brain trauma’ problem. Let each team get the ball on their own 25 and see who is winning after those possessions.

    There have been seventeen NFL playoff games which have gone to overtime since 1971, SEVENTEEN, TOTAL.

    There is few situations more rare or dramatic in sports, why let the coin toss have such a big impact on the result? It makes no sense whatsoever.

    Last stats I saw said roughly 20% of drives end in TDs. Neither high powered LAR and NO did scored a TD in OT. KC just needed to play better defense.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    I just think the only wait it’s fair competition is if both teams get the ball. To me, that would be like a baseball team scoring in the top of the 10th and not letting the home team get a chance to hit.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I watched the bounty game back last night, never in a million years should Payton have gotten his job back. And without the phantom PI call on Leiber late in the 4th quarter, Saints probably don’t go to the Bowl in 09. So, goes around comes around.

    Bingo. They should have cancelled Payton’s football ticket just like they did Pete Rose’s baseball ticket. And they should have stripped the dick of his Super Bowl win and ring.

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