• 1hl&sinker
    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    Their hurting for revenue. In the mean time millions of money offered negotiations of
    contracts are offered…

    The kings gambling venture didn’t work out I guess.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    I heard on KFAN that they simply removed the 4th pre season game and turned it into a regular season game instead.

    Snake ii’s
    Posts: 556

    Another game I won’t waste my time watching…..

    South Metro
    Posts: 2122

    I listened to a radio show where they discussed this. A lot of consternation amongst the players they interviewed that they needed more money if they were expected to play another game. Player’s union had weighed in on it money was one of the issues.
    Not sharing this from an expert standpoint but that’s what I heard.
    I would agree with Muskycliff – football lost it’s allure several years ago. If your $2 million a year is not enough to live on perhaps you need to get a job at Home Depot and work for a living like the rest of us. The NFL is a Fortune Top 200 company if it were in the same arena as the rest of big business in terms of revenue.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17577

    Their hurting for revenue. In the mean time millions of money offered negotiations of
    contracts are offered…

    The kings gambling venture didn’t work out I guess.

    They were forced to offer the networks a 17th game in order to secure the $110 BILLION tv contracts they just announced.

    No need to feel sorry for the NFL owners just yet.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    Their hurting for revenue.


    South Metro
    Posts: 2122

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>1hl&sinker wrote:</div>
    Their hurting for revenue. In the mean time millions of money offered negotiations of
    contracts are offered…

    The kings gambling venture didn’t work out I guess.

    They were forced to offer the networks a 17th game in order to secure the $110 BILLION tv contracts they just announced.

    No need to feel sorry for the NFL owners just yet.

    What a shock, over extended!

    SE MN
    Posts: 5255

    I listened to a radio show where they discussed this. A lot of consternation amongst the players they interviewed that they needed more money if they were expected to play another game. Player’s union had weighed in on it money was one of the issues.
    Not sharing this from an expert standpoint but that’s what I heard.
    I would agree with Muskycliff – football lost it’s allure several years ago. If your $2 million a year is not enough to live on perhaps you need to get a job at Home Depot and work for a living like the rest of us. The NFL is a Fortune Top 200 company if it were in the same arena as the rest of big business in terms of revenue.

    Not everyone is fit for a job as an NFL athlete. Perhaps you want to drop your gig at Home Depot and take Cousin’s job? You can’t lie to all these high schoolers and tell them they can be anything they want to be with a straight face. We talking 0.00056874% make it in the NFL. For the rest of us, we decide our path for a career. Some decide they will be sandwich artists and burrito rollers….FACTS

    South Metro
    Posts: 2122

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Umy wrote:</div>
    I listened to a radio show where they discussed this. A lot of consternation amongst the players they interviewed that they needed more money if they were expected to play another game. Player’s union had weighed in on it money was one of the issues.
    Not sharing this from an expert standpoint but that’s what I heard.
    I would agree with Muskycliff – football lost it’s allure several years ago. If your $2 million a year is not enough to live on perhaps you need to get a job at Home Depot and work for a living like the rest of us. The NFL is a Fortune Top 200 company if it were in the same arena as the rest of big business in terms of revenue.

    Not everyone is fit for a job as an NFL athlete. Perhaps you want to drop your gig at Home Depot and take Cousin’s job? You can’t lie to all these high schoolers and tell them they can be anything they want to be with a straight face. We talking 0.00056874% make it in the NFL. For the rest of us, we decide our path for a career. Some decide they will be sandwich artists and burrito rollers….FACTS

    Not sure if I am gauging your temperature correctly. I remember having an athlete/college coach tell parents in our basketball program that a similar percentage of students will ever make it to the NBA, NFL, MLB etc and that their son was not the future of one of these leagues- that they would be extremely fortunate to even make it to a D1 school. Parents are convinced their kid is the next Michael Jordan or Adrian Peterson or Berrios.
    My point was regardless of who you are, these athletes have some god given genes that HELP them get where they are – I realize they put in LOTS of effort and time to become the finest – would never take that away from them. My real point is/was: how much more money do you need? You are playing a game after all and being compensated quite well, you COULD be working at Home Depot for 1.5 – 2% of that. There was a lot of complaining during that radio interview about how much more money they would need to be willing to play another game. You can argue career length, mileage on the body etc. IF the leagues managed these kids correctly they would set them up to insure they had a life after with enough money to support them.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12693

    I’ll take as much football as they are willing to play! This was all decided in the last CBA negotiation, so any player complaining missed his opportunity a year ago to influence the vote. If he doesn’t like it he’s welcome to pursue other opportunities.

    Personally I’d like to see them have 1 or 2 preseason games, 18 regular season games, 2 bye weeks, and slightly expanded rosters. That would give the NFL way more revenue with 20 regular season weeks (18 under the new deal), the players would get more rest, and injuries wouldn’t be as devastating on a teams season if they had more guys on roster and ready to go. Also, they really need to start guaranteeing contracts, the sport is way too violent, and the teams make plenty to make that happen. I’d much rather see the money going to the millionaire players risking their long term well being than the billionaire owners risking money, but they negotiate it somewhat regularly so I don’t feel too bad.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12693

    If your $2 million a year is not enough to live on perhaps you need to get a job at Home Depot and work for a living like the rest of us.

    erhaps you want to drop your gig at Home Depot and take Cousin’s job?

    Not sure if this was intentional or not but Arthur Blank owns the Falcons and Home Depot, so I’m sure he’d much prefer signing the Home Depot pay checks… rotflol

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4125

    I’ll take as much football as they are willing to play!


    This was all decided in the last CBA negotiation, so any player complaining missed his opportunity a year ago to influence the vote.

    Yep. The NFL is now implementing something contained in a collective bargaining agreement that was approved by the players. Seems bitter and uninformed to complain about it now.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    I’m fine with another game too. Converting the 4th pre season game to a regular season game is great. Pre season games are fairly useless and last year with covid proved it when they cancelled all of them. I think 2 pre season games is enough, 3 I can deal with. 4 is too many.

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